About the Author

Call me Kevin. I'm the owner, creator, and coder of this web site, and I take great pride in it, not because of the mediocre material that I wrote, but because of the literary accomplishments of my fellow writers and poets. I'm glad that I was introduced to HTML when I was, because it now allows me to help other writers become exposed to the internet community.

I'm a 18 year old student at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA who has just rung in the new year (1999, for those of you who have just recently joined the modern era) with gleeful anticipation. Well, not really. To me, the new year doesn't begin until May, when the school year ends and I'm promoted to the next grade. Don't mistake me, I'm not eager to get away from my friends from school. In fact, it's just the opposite: I'm eager to see my friends from home.

I've been coding HTML for about ten years, which more than triples the time that I've been seriously writing. I actually started writing during study hall in January of 10th grade. I wrote a one-page story which I turned into a 133 page novella. I'll admit, it wasn't great, and I'm still working to make my work great, but it was the first story that I finished. I never did anything in moderation before that, and I wasn't about to start. Now, I've written three novel manuscripts, two dozen stories, and about eighty poems.

Beyond HTML and writing, I like to play laser tag and ultimate frisbee with my friends. I am actually beginning to come out of my science fiction stage - I no longer aspire to be the best SF writer in all of creation, though I still love Babylon 5 and the Star Trek series. On a related note, the previews that I've seen of the new Star Wars movie does pique my interest. Moviewise, I absolutely love "The Devil's Advocate", "Mad City", "Wag the Dog", and "Maverick".

Outside the realm of film and screen, I like "Les Miserables" infinitely better than "Phantom of the Opera", science over religion, and reason and logic over conjecture in an argument or debate. I'd have to classify myself as "unwilling to commit" when it comes to politics, because I think everything about the topic is corrupt and needs fresh blood like Jesse Ventura to breath reason into it.

I'm finding it necessary to speak so freely because I want you to know what I am like and what would drive me to create this site. I simply believe that there is no way to know who the next FDR or John Lennon will be, so all ideas must be considered and seriously scrutinized. Please enjoy the site now that you know a little more about my general personality.

Favorite Television Shows
Earth: Final Conflict | Mr. Show with Bob and
Dave | Star Trek: DS9 | The X-Files | Babylon 5
Favorite Music Groups
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy | Dave Matthews Band
Matchbox 20 | Squirrel Nut Zippers | The Beatles

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