Digital Words Webring

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Here I'm pleased to report that Digital Words now includes 220 sites in the ring itself and 3 sites in the queue. That's a lot of original writing, so check it out! (6/16)

Website Changes

If you're a webmaster in Digital Words, feel free to send me your updates and website news, along with the name of your website and its URL, at I'll be more than happy to add it to this site. Increase your hits and repeat visitors by citing your changes here!

New Fragment

In case you missed my email, I have added a second HTML fragment, which appears at the bottom of this page, to the list of fragment choices. Either HTML fragment is valid, so you can choose based on which looks better on your site. Edit your site information to get your HTML fragment options.

Welcome to the Digital Words Webring. I wanted to make this webring a little better than some of the other ones by instilling a true sense of community and fellowship. The ring is dedicated to promoting all types of individual creativity, including poems, stories, artwork, philosophies, musicals, and anything else that constitutes a serious attempt at creativity.

More than that, this webring is a community. We are actually all fragments of the same mold, each of us contributing to human knowledge in our own ways. Each one of us has something to say and the means by which to say it. That's why this ring also helps to keep ringmembers informed about the changes in the ring sites. If you have updated your site, send me information about it and I'll put it on this page so that everyone in the ring can be informed of changes in the ringpages.

If you aren't a member and you have a writing site, why not join the ring? All you have to do is submit your site to the queue by following the various "join" links on this site, then choose one of the two

Below is a list of catagories that the news falls into. Enjoy the fruits of the ring.

Special Features
  • Writer's Town Square has temporarily paused its The World of Fire series because the webmaster has decided to work on a novel. It will resume on September 1. (5/18)
  • Greyhaunt Galleries runs a series called Shadows and Stones and recently added both a sketch gallery of all the characters and two new episodes. (5/18)
  • Grim's Mind hosts an egroup called weluvpoetry. If you want to join and see latest poems, go to this page. (4/13)
Submission Possibilities
  • Poetry Pavilion accepts poetry on any topic (and 50 lines or less) for publication. (4/20)
  • Nom de Plume accepts all forms of poetry from Australians age 12-25. (4/18)
  • Funny Fiction accepts humerous fiction of any length. (4/18)
  • Of Ages Past accepts historical fiction short stories, novel excerpts, book reviews, and articles, in addition to book reviews on writers' help books and the art of writing. For detailed guidelines, see the submissions page. (4/17)
  • Luna's Poetry Corner will accept poetry of any length or form intended for a general audience). (4/17)
  • Poetry and Prose accepts material as its name implies, following no particulat criteria. Most submissions will find their way to the Scribble section, but work of sufficient merit will be featured in the Nexus Prose section. (4/17)
  • Writer's Town Square has a section called The Great Library, which accepts contributor fiction, poetry, and essays. Please submit your work for display on the site.(4/6)
  • American Qabalah has added new artwork & poetry in its Visual Art section. (6/7)
  • The Blank Page has slightly scaled down its operation. It now posts a new artist every other week in each section. (5/4)
  • Grim's Mind has posted a new poem titled All One Needs. (4/13)
  • Closed on Account of Rabies. has added three new poems. (4/10)
  • Quantum Muse has posted its premier issue, which includes four new stories and some great artwork. It is also accepting submissions for its May issue. (4/6)
  • FunnyFiction has added a form called the Voting Booth so that visitors can vote for their favorite stories. (4/4)
  • Wonderful Original Musicals has added a new musical, called "East of Samoa" to its website. This musical is a wild satire of movies in the 1930's. (4/2)
  • Enchanted Verse has added a short story section to the site, which currently includes two stories and will be growing soon. (4/1)
  • Writer's Town Square has changed it's backgrounds to cut download time. (4/14)
  • Enchanted Verse has changed its name to Euphoric Anguish and has added three works to the friends' works section. (4/9)

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