Hi! welcome to my page dedicated to the movie
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What can i say, obviously this movie is listed under my favorites, so I guess you figured out that I really like it. Another absolutely MUST see movie. I have seen other versions of this story like the A&E one but I didn't like it at all, this is the best version if you ask me so rent the one with Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeremy Northam, and Toni Collete. Jane Austen is the Queen, all of the books of hers and movies that i've seen have been really good and has had good stars like in 'Sense & Sensibility' there is Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson, and the A&E version of Pride & Predjudice (the only version i've seen) was acted and presented beautifully as well. She just can't go wrong. I suggest you rent them all soon, or else you'll really be missing out. I hope you enjoy my site.
And I would love it if you would E-mail me (Audra) at swingkat4ever@hotmail.com with any comments, suggestions, or your web page address for my links page and I would really like it if maybe I could give you my address too. Thanks! Dont hold back now:D
WOOHOO my mom just got me my very own copy of EMMA:)