The Thundering Looney Bin

Friends in Low Places
(no offence, you wackos!)

These are my friends. They vary in degrees of weirdness but none are near the normal level and most can be dubbed stark, thumping mad. To all concerned, these are neither biographies nor documentaries. They aren't meant to be biographies or documentaries. For those you can go to these people's sites, if they aren't too lazy or unschooled in HTML. Or e-mail them, they'll tell you all about themselves if you're especially...fortunate. But don't anger them, for one day they will help me take over the world. And you wouldn't want to be on their bad side then, would you?

The first in the bunch is only first because she was the first to give me her full title in writing, so have no cows. I don't remember names. Heck, I don't remember anything. Anyway, she's Elora McGregor, Lover of Ewan McGregor, World-Class On-Line Flirt, Fan of Star Wars, and All-Around Cool Person. She's one of the wackiest. If you ever wish to wander a high school campus at night laughing uproariously and wiggling your fingers and shouting "Braaaains!" at everyone you meet, she's the partner in weirdness you're looking for. High on caffine and low on meanness, although she should really spend some time in some kind of institution. Visit her site by clicking here and or email her at

And now for Lord the Baron Greg aka Pestilence aka Cyron. He's the extremely awesome guy I'm going out with :) He's into all manner of cool stuff, and he can draw [insert trumpet fanfair here]. Or maybe I should say trombone fanfair, that's what he plays. He doesn't drive like a maniac (Stephanie!!!) and he likes "The Matrix" almost as much as Josephene and I do. He RPs somewhat better than I do, and actually knows what all the stuff one does in a sparring match looks like (I'm a magic user, I don't usually hit people... with my hands, anyway.) He gradiated! I'm so proud ::wipes a tear from her eye:: He's very deep and amusing person who I think you should talk to. Email him at or use his ICQ number: 1570915.

Then there's Special Agent Josephene, Anne Rice Bookworm, Double David Fanatic, X-phile, and Allmighty Protector of Cats. She equals me in oddness, I think. She's a supream artist and an obsessed X-phile, and is currently my Padawan apprentice (scary thought, yes, but at least she won't be a Dark Jedi, just a Light one of questionable sanity.) She once killed a pond full of evil virtual fish and algae. She tried to teach me D&D, but I am really hard to teach, although I'm getting help from gracious people online. I just need to get the money to buy some books on the subject. And now for some important warnings: If you ever hear her say "tundra" you might want to say "penguins", and if she says "DIE", well, just start running. If you want to talk to her in Yahoo chat her name is Josephene_Knite, Aurora_Avalon, or o0_eco_0o (among a host of others, most of which I don't remember), and you can email her at Be sure to visit her Matrix Website too.

I shant leave out Special Agent Sue L. S. Walker, Jedi Knight. She's the Star Wars maniac who got my nose out of the Star Wars books and into the wonderful world of actors, movie making, and Skywalkerdom. Not that I participate to closely in the Skywalkerdom, per say, that's really her territory upon which I'd dare not intrude, as she tends to bend the rules of the Light Side in such a way so as to be able to defend Luke in any situation... I'm content to smuggle spice and miscallaneous contraband out of the knight's way and try to keep Chewbacca out of trouble (and of course enjoy Obi-Wan Kenobi (young version)!) Anyway, I'd hardly be the true Star Warrior I am today without her influence, so I am of course greatful to the extream. We know the Truth is out there, too.

The Dark Overlord should not go unmentioned. He's another one of the Loons who is weirder than most people can, or wish to, imagine. The day after I first put up this entry he protested its size, so... what else to say? He's a Star Warrior with more extensive knowledge of the comic book serieses than I have, although I have yet to see how much he knows about all the other parts of the Star Wars universe. He role plays quite frequently and can be exceedingly alarming to talk to, especially if he's practicing being pompous and evil. The seraphim will get him in the end, of course. Until then, beware. I asked him if he wanted his email addy and such here, but he hasn't told me yet, so you'll just have to deal with being unable to talk to him (if you don't know him) until he tells me what he wants me to put here.

And now, for the Incredible Warbling Wonder. He's another of my band buddies, only he's also in chorus, thus the title. He's kind enough to put up with my constant Star Wars babble even though he isn't a Star Warrior, and that is probably more of an accomplishment than I know. He reads a lot of the same sorts of things I do, and marvles at how I can hang out with these wackos. He's also older and funnier than I am. He graduated too! Yaaaay!

Last but never ever ever ever etc. least of my offline pals is Anna Lea the Bug Mooshing, Quote Spouting, Cat Speaking, Bird Breeding, ER Watching, Rey Mysterio Loving, Arial Throwing, Push-Upping Flag Girl. She's in the color guard in the band Elora and I are in. She has yet to hit me in the head with her flag but her time will no doubt come (I play alto sax in the same band she's color guard in. All alto saxes are hit in the head by all guard girls during marching season. This often happens during the ariel throwing mentioned in her title, but it always happens sometime. It's our lot in life.) I don't know or want to know about the bird breeding. Please visit her webpage by clicking here.

Now for the online buddies. One of mine is Xander the Looney Commander. He likes "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and has a Yahoo club about it, Buffy's Sharp Teeth. He's great to talk to and isn't too bad at chess either. He's a Star Warrior, too! His fav quote is "Don't go mad, go menthol" (good advise from a loon). If you'd like to contact him (you would, I know you would) his one of his email addies is Don't forget to check out his webpage. There are other pages, email addies, and names he uses, but they're just to numerous for me to type without seriously damaging my eyes and fingers.

Got another online dude to add, Wookiee Wang, Mormon Jedi Knight. As you can maybe guess, he likes Star Wars, which totally rules. Always fun to talk to, and I think you should. He goes by Jawsch on Yahoo Chat, his ICQ number is 18070761, and his email is

Next, Ingenious Loner Euphenicist Genetic Warrior Specialist G/C/R Doctor. I've known him for a while but I haven't remembered to ask him for a title until recently. Very entertaining to talk to (do you see a pattern evolving?). When we take over the world, he will be in charge of the combined Earth Military, deffending the planet against uprisings and any and all alien invasions. It's not as if our military isn't already run by loons, so don't worry about it. At least this way it'll be a competent loon. To try to get on his good side before he takes command of every tank, nuke, warship, fighter plane, and army on the planet, email him at

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