No longer will I touch a wafer wall trusting the mirror's word but in my palm I will hold a golden bird~ The wings sugared with rainbow dust The promise untouched by timeless rust The hope stronger than galvanized steel A faith that has unfolded and become real~ And this bird made of richest karat More heavenly than a new born seraph Ever so gently nestled and pressed Into the velveteen lining of your treasure chest~ I will feel it's cooing and flutter As your tear free eyes unshutter~ Deep liquid integrity As calm as the rebuked sea~ Where on my hope walks the water Witha love designed in strength and honor Two grafted olive trees Bound to each other eternally~ With roots that will not know wander A soul no longer sawn asunder~ But one love silver lined with a cord of divinity~ And a Spirit of truth royal, in it's simplicity. |
By W.K.Blackburn this site under construction please got to my page for SPIRITREE MISSION FOR MANKIND~ @ You can Help feed yourself and others! ~Namaste~ |