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Guster STUFF I have Collected

I'd like to tell you all a little story. Way back in the day when I first saw Guster...I was in awe. They played at my prep school thanks to Sam Vail, who knew Adam from somewhere. Well anyways...everyone was on campus that weekend because it was "closed" (basically we weren't allowed to go off campus overnight). So I get there early and help move things into the Auditorium and I'll be damned if the speakers my school had rented weren't the heaviest things in the whole world. Well...I help move stuff in and drool over Brian's bongos (which at that time hardly numbered half of what he has now...) and just stared at the guys thinking, this is going to rule. For some strange reason I had passed up the opportunity to see Guster a few days before in a club off campus, I was so young back then, I didn't know any better. So I bought their CD before the show and burned through it in the four days before the show. Now Guster gets on stage and the first set begins with a rousing version of Pantomime (and I've never heard it so rousing since) And I am rocking out in the front of the stage, in front of Adam AND in front of the speakers so I am getting the music straight from the horses (no offence Adam) mouth. And so that's nice. And the whole show Guster (like they always do) is making up songs about kids in the audience, and how they went to Brooks (my school) and how they appreciate all our attention. So I get to thinking, wow, these guys really love us. (Little do I know that in a few years I will have 80 tapes of Guster shows where they say the EXACT same lines and play the EXACT same "fly by the seat of the pants" songs. Ah well, I still love these unorigional repeating bastards. Ever since then I was hooked. And the best part of the whole show was that Bennet let me patch my tape deck into the sound board so I have the origional copy of the Brooks Show.

This is the set list (both sides) from the first Guster show I ever went to. I was so young and innocent then.

This Is an ORIGIONAL GUS sticker that I got for being a nice guy and helping move equiptment. They are collectors items now...

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