This Is Our House

The House that The Wetzel Fam Built

The Wetzel family had a Dream. And with the help of many architects, builders and Custom Electronics, we were able to build this dream. Here are some photos and stats of the new house. Click on the images for a larger picture. Use your browser 'back' button to return to this page.

Coming down the 1/2 mile long driveway off the Cape Rd you first begin to see the house as gravel turns to pavement...

Coming closer you notice the incredible architecture of this log cabin style house. The windows catch your eye as you can practically see THROUGH the house...

As you get out of your car and begin to walk over the lush green grass that covers a massive yard you begin to notice the flora. A beautiful pond flows from the front yard, UNDER the house and into another pool in the back yard...

Your eyes follow the stream to the small bridge that connects the garage, office and laundry to the main house...

Turning around you notice how truly beautiful the landscaping is in this beautiful mecca...

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