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.Due for an update on 1st October 2009 (God willing)
for September 2009
Do you know the difference
between the "love" that is of Christianity
and the "love" that is of the world?
Click here to find out!
(From my library)
It is the first and highest duty of every rational being to learn from the Scriptures what is truth, and then to walk in the light and encourage others to follow his example. We should day by day study the Bible diligently, weighing every thought and comparing scripture with scripture. With divine help we are to form our opinions for ourselves as we are to answer for ourselves before God.
Bible Study Sites
For word by word studies of the Bible, try these sites but first look at
"Words of Advice on Bible Study"
The Letter to the Christians in Rome
If you are interested in getting on to a mailing list where we can share thoughts on a particular part of the Bible through a common Email list, then enter your address on the link below. A reading is sent by mail to the address, usually once a week on Sunday, and copies go out to each person on the list. You can answer back to the common address and everyone gets to read your comment,
or you may just sit and "read".
We are currently working our way through the book of
Anyone want to try? You can unsubscribe at any time.
I promise I won't send any other mail to you!
Join the weekly Bible study list.
Permanent Questions
..What does it mean "to be led by the Spirit"?
Is there really an immortal soul?
This page is not designed for religious argument, but for the publication of an alternative understanding of the normal Christian opinion. It is hoped that it will be especially suitable for Christian beginners, and those who just want to know about Christianity.
If you want to discuss I'll share with you.
If you want to argue I won't.
Click here to go to the Query for the month
Click here to go to the Free book offer. (There's nothing to buy!)
Click here to go to the Spiritual Dictionary
My Guidelines
Back to my home page
Printed copies of the free books on offer are available from the New Zealand address as the LORD supplies the means.
If you have any Biblical problems or questions you would like another opinion on, please contact me. I will NOT attempt to control your thinking, but may be able to suggest a NON-CONFORMIST way of seeing an answer.
Email: The nonconformist
If you do mail me your name will not go on a mailing list, nor will you receive any unsolicited mail, electronic or snail. You will not be asked to join a church either!!
P.P.S. Here's another site which has some great books available. "We Protest".
May God be able to go with you,
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