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Stop List:
Three manual and pedal organ, Mason and Hamlin Co.
Tremulant, Eolian Harp 4', Prinipal 4', Hautboy 8', Saxaphone 8', Clarinet 16'
SWELL division (middle keyboard):
Keraulophone 8', Dulcet 8', Flute Dolce 4', Flute 4'
GREAT division (lower):
Corno 16', Corno Dolce 16', Gamba 8', Diapason 8', Voix Celeste 8'
PEDAL division:
Sub Bourdon 32', Bourdon 16', Violincello 8'
COUPLERS: Ch to Gt, SW to Gt, GT to Ped, SW to PED
OTHER:Full Organ, Swell shoe (operates all divisions except pedal), Pedal Forte, Ch Forte, Gt Forte.