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     What's New:

6/19 - New links added.
    Coming Soon:
- Updated personal page
- Pictures
- New poetry
- Brand new format
To My Inspirational
Poetry Page!
This site last updated: June 19, 1999
My Heart on a Web Page

     Hello!  My name is
Jason Richards, and in order to keep this intro paragraph moving right along, that's all I'm going to tell you about myself right here.  I decided to e-x-p-a-n-d my horizons and throw some of my poems from my poetry book: "My Heart on a Page" onto the internet.  This is my first try at a web site, so please bear with me.  I hope you enjoy my poems, lyrics, songs and general insights to my soul as much as I enjoy writing them down.  Feel free to give me some feedback if you'd like to.  Thanks for visiting!
Click here to check out the new advertisement banner I had made for my site!
My Poems
= General Poetry
= For my sister
= Religious
= Humorous
My Heart on a Page - The title poem.

The Cake
- Dedicated to my sister for her birthday.

Your Will
- Waiting for the one God has for you.

Brand New Start
- Song about finding a quiet time and a clean slate.

The Light of the World
-  A short thought for Christmas.

Your New Home
- My song for Kim.

My Gift
- Who will receive my gift?

Mind Control
- Gaining victory over your thought life.

Writer's Block
- Happens to the best of us...

Valentine's Year
- Why does it have to be only one day a year?

If I Had Walked
- How would I have reacted to the things Jesus did?

Simple Math
- Easy sums, but a difficult problem.

Big Jay Style
- My tongue-in-cheek look at rap.

Three Little Words
- Sometimes the smallest sentences are the toughest.

In Awe
- Feeling small in the world God has made.

Don't You Remember? - A reminder of what Christ did.

Technology Shmechnology
- How wonderful are the  wonders of modern technology?

We Have Left Jesus -
We're sometimes guilty of leaving Him just as Mary and Joseph did.

I Miss You
- Slightly soppy.
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You are visitor number:
750  - Wow.  I wanna thank the guys at CCBC for visiting.  Miss you guys!
It's pretty sad that 90% of the visits are just me checking out the site...]
Want to know the inspiration
behind a poem?
Need to tell me how much you
hated one of them?
Email me!
All poems Copyright of Jason Richards 1996 - 1999