Welcome to Ruth's Guestbook!

Rein - 07/28/00 00:59:34
My URL:http://www.wordsport.com
My Email:wordsport@usa.net
How did you find me?: Surfing

I love the virtual living room. Nice site. If you have a chance, visit my site. It's a poetry site/self-publishing site. Just be sure to open the site using Internet Explorer for optimal site performance. Peace.

Elaine - 02/26/00 21:46:31
My Email:nzflutterby@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: yahoo club surf search

Loved it. Loved the webring and the poemszine. Thanks.

jane - 01/21/00 10:22:21
My URL:http://users.cnmnetwork.com/~mink/jez.html
My Email:mink@cnmnetwork.com
How did you find me?: ring

indie music roolz! :) jane

Nevada Henrickson - 01/20/00 19:43:21
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/dahodomom/MISTYLADY13
My Email:dahodomom@webtv.net
How did you find me?: While looking for the webring to fid out about my fragment

I like the poem about numbers. I will pass this site info on to my sisters. I know we will all enjoy belongig to this webring.

Rodney - 12/12/99 02:03:26
My URL:/rleone3/
My Email:wasitchu@freewwweb.com
How did you find me?: You left your addy when visiting my site

I love it. I am a math teacher and the "Magic of Numbers" really works for me. I have not had a chance to read others, but certainly intend to return. May I have your permission to read "The Magic of Numbers" to my students? Please email, I won't read it nless I hear from you.

Who? - 10/20/99 00:19:33
My Email:personal shtuff
How did you find me?: Just surfed on in!

Ruth, your poetry has a lot of feeling...it isn't really my style but I like your site. Keep up the writing! All poetry is wonderful ;)

Who? - 10/20/99 00:19:12
My Email:personal shtuff
How did you find me?: Just surfed on in!

Ruth, your poetry has a lot of feeling...it isn't really my style but I like your site. Keep up the writing! All poetry is wonderful ;)

Jack Richbourg - 08/15/99 22:05:50
My URL:http://www.richbourglowry.com
My Email:richlow@ixlmemphis.com
How did you find me?: You told me about it.

This is Jack signing in on Ruth's guestbook as requested.

Debbie Dixon - 06/30/99 01:00:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pe/poems4all/index.html
My Email:Moody53@aol.com
How did you find me?: Poetry Online

Hi there.. I enjoyed going thru your poems... I will be back to go thru your site more thorougly..The poem In a Child's Eye... was very touching.. Debbie

Gwenllian Gambling - 06/27/99 18:22:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Bistro/2829
My Email:gwynglyndwr13@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: You e-mailed me, for which I thank you very much.

(I got my URL address right this time! ) Anyway, I love your poetry, Ruth. It's beautiful, humorous, and it always seems to be free to me. I wish I could write poetry like that. LOL. I also love the background you use for your poetry pages... :-) Bravo Wonderful site! I can't wait to read more poetry! --Gwen

Andrew John Bookter - 06/21/99 14:47:31
My Email:edepois@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: you wrote to me

I wish I could learn how to do what you have done here.-andrew

Knight-of-Light - 05/31/99 03:28:37
My Email:hearn@netcnct.net
How did you find me?: Thanks for address

I shall send my comments in an e-mail. I will say that I love your site and your words. Your servent Knight-of-Light

Knight-of-Light - 05/31/99 03:22:13
My Email:hearn@netcnct.net
How did you find me?: Thanks for address

I shall send my comments in an e-mail. I will say that I love your site and your words. Your servent Knight-of-Light

Knight-of-Light - 05/31/99 03:21:24
My Email:hearn@netcnct.net
How did you find me?: Thanks for address

I shall send my comments in an e-mail. I will say that I love your site and your words. Your servent Knight-of-Light

Jim Garman - 05/22/99 16:15:15
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/stanmer/244/index.html
My Email:jimnipoetry@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Just got lucky

Ruth, A beautiful page with excellent poetry. Really enjoyed Sunrise. Please post some of your writing at my forum at http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb331817 There is a great family of poets there.

Twilite4u - 04/12/99 00:57:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/twilitemystery
My Email:twilite@angelfire.com
How did you find me?: cafepoetryconnection

Hi Ruth Your poems are BEAUTIFUL!! They really speak *to* me and *for* me. I'll definitely be back soon. Twi

HOT Erlene - 04/07/99 06:09:03
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~HOTC16/
My Email:HOTC16@webtv.net
How did you find me?: You visited me at HOTC16's HOT SITE !!!

Thank you for your generous compliments regarding my website! My name...'HOT'... seems to be attracting guests (and the name suits me and my site!). I am so glad to meet another 'poet', and I enjoyed what I read, of your works. Good luck with future web e deavors...your new friend in cyberspace... HOT !!!

Lady Oh - 04/05/99 23:38:34
My URL:http://ladyoh.cjb.net
My Email:Lady_Oh@webtv.net
How did you find me?: Guestbook

I love poetry and loved reading yours. I have saved the site so I can read each one carefully. You are very talented! Blessings...Lady Oh

KAYLA - 04/04/99 21:24:25
How did you find me?: got the address from you

Hi Ruth! Just had some extra time and thought that I would check out your webpage. Looks great! I liked your poetry and I loved it and your background! well gotta go Bye! Kayla

G. SCOTT NUNLEY - 03/24/99 21:34:32


Michael Johnathon - 03/24/99 12:56:48
My Email:folkboy@aol.com

Ruth: What a wonderful poem, great idea, brilliant site and thank you very much for including me! Michael

Fred Leone - 03/24/99 02:45:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Square/7158/index.html
My Email:HGHINC@aol.com
How did you find me?: Link from my page!

Nice work, Ruth.

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