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Susquehanna Country Decorative Artists

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About Us

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About Us

The Susquehanna Country Decorative Artists (SCDA) is an affliliate chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters (SDP). SCDA was organized in 1980 and received its charter from SDP in 1981.

SCDA is made up of member from the "Triple Cities Area" which include all the surrounding Counties. We currently have a membership numbering 49 and growing. We meet the first Monday of every month, with the exception of January and February. The other months are held at theVestal Public Library. The Christmas Party and Installation Dinner is held at a local restaurant, which concludes the year.

The Board meets on another day (open to any of the members), the General Meeting starts at 7 PM to 9 PM, (open to the public).

We host several seminars in a year, and try to include one oil teacher and one acrylic teacher from the National level. Our meetings offer informative information and short teaching classes of many types. Many of our members travel throughout the USA attending state, district and national conventions.

Our membership fee is only $15.00 per year. However, you are required to also join the National Organization which currently is $30.00 per year. With this membership you will receive a publication "The Decorative Painter" which is published every other month, and also a National Convention publication.

If you are interested in painting, we invite you to attend one of our meetings. Enjoy the fellowship of other decorative artists in a relaxed and informal setting.


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