the 28th of april of 1999
well, he survived the surgery. has perfect perfect vision now. and he didnt get pink eye! yay! but, i once again, this morning, woke up with god damn pink eye. what in the world is going on??? i made an appointment with my real doctor for tomorrow morning at 7:45 am. i wonder if it is stress related pink eye. hehhehe.
also in the news, i am on the borderline for passing/failing organic chemistry. i was told i need a c on my final to pass the class. but i wont find out until too late (if i flunk i will be in arizona when i would have to re-take the class). so everyone wish me luck.
babysitting went really smoothly. lasted forever, those 10 days. but it wasnt too bad. my mom is back from hawaii now, havent got to talk to her much. and when i did she was disoriented from being up for two days and jet lag and all.
thats it for now. i feel this is a really boring entry, but oh well. it will have to do.
adios for now! good luck out there to everyone who will be taking final exams in the near future.