What do you see when you first look at me?
Do I look so different? or do you see ME?
This world is not perfect of that there's no doubt
But I'm just in a wheelchair
you don't need to shout!

And while I sit in this chair,my mind is at work
I have a heart full of treasures- too many to shirk!
If you'd just get to know me, friends we would be
So please don't stand and stare
try to see the real me

Take time to get to know me,
because I am just the same as you
I might look a bit different,
but then most people do
Don't let it concern you, we live best we can
Doing our bit to help our fellow man.

If you have a problem with that
then it is you who are handicapped.

In the course of your conversation
each and every day
Think twice,try to be careful
Your remarks may be picked up It might surprise you what
some people think they hear.

Things that you innocently say,
or try to portray
Can be changed , and greatly
exaggerated along the way;
Many stories change for the worse
as they are retold
So try to keep any questionable
remarks "on hold".

May I give all of you very sound advice?
When you speak of others,
say something nice;
Try to say good things,
regardless of who is around,
If you have nothing good to say
don't utter a sound.

You may find that an innocent remark,
in the end, may lose you
a close and valued friend.

Love is precisely to the moral nature
what the sun is to the earth. - Honore de Balzae.

May all our hopes, our dreams, and aspirations
Show forth and make our life anew.
May all our patient anticipation,
Reap joy,and peace, and love inside too.

May rain fall down and feed our hungry spirit,
May gentle wind flow through to ease our pain
May sunshine come and warm us as we reach out
May all who see, want what we have for gain

May time grant us the gift of understanding
May days show all that life has yet untold,
May life spare us unnecessary suffering,
May love be all our heart can hope to hold.

Life is all a person makes it
As he treads his daily path.
Spread cheer as long the way you go
No gloom as aftermath.

Never see a glass half empty
But consider it half full.
And when friends loads are hard to bear,
Try giving them a pull.

Your effort might be just the thing
To get things going right.
And carry them throughout the day
Till home they reach at night.

It is comforting to know that
every stage of our lives
presents us with new opportunities.
We cannot learn without pain,
In all of life's situations,
we have the ability to make
them into positive experiences.

I am continuing the struggle to
make each day the best one
because I rejoice in the gift of life.

Some graphics by

I have mislaid the logo for the
beautiful background. If anyone knows who created it,
I would like to give credit.
where credit is due.