Let's Reminisce
There have been so many changes during the past few decades sometimes it is hard to imagine the way things used to be.
Even without all the modern gadgets we have today, people seemed happier and less stressed out than they do today.
I don't recall my mother ever having to take tranquilizers, or sleeping pills-nor did she ever complain of being bored. I guess she just didn't have the time, she was always so busy doing the chores.
I can still remember when .....
Wringer washers were thought to be the last word in modern conveniences.
Makes me appreciate automatic washers and dryers today!
Every item of laundry, even the sheets and pillowcases were
subjected to the rigors of ironing.
Meals were prepared on an old woodburning stove.
Gourmet cooking it was not- but the food was well prepared and nourishing.
The kitchen was the hub of activities in most farm homes In the evenings, the children would all gather round the single coal oil lamp, or in some cases, a candle, to memorize their spelling, or to figure out math assignments.
The kitchen table also doubled as a work table. Sunday clothes were ironed, sooty lampshades cleaned and eggs washed for market.
It also served as a games table-a place for checkers and crokinole, and the ever popular card plays..
I can also still remember when electricity was installed, and all the changes that followed.
A gleaming white refrigerator replaced the old ice box.
Then we got electric stoves, washing machines, radios and later television sets . All supposed to make life easier for everyone.
Most changes took place following World War 11.
That is when tractors replaced horses,and the automobile became the popular mode of transportation,.
Indoor plumbing and modern bathrooms replaced the little house across the yard.
and also the tedious task of carrying in water from the well or pumping it with the old hand pump soon became a thing of the past when the advent of electric and gasoline engines took over the task of raising the water, then it was piped to the various rooms where it was most needed.
Social gatherings helped to bring a little relaxation and fun into the lives of these hard working people. Most homes used to own a and the young people used to put on their favorite record as they kicked up their heels .
Those times are gone for good. The changes since then have not all been positive ones, but I doubt if many of us would want to return to 'those good old days' again.
Black and white graphics from Old fashioned Clip Art.com
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