Michael B. with a Baby Seal
which had been stranded
after the ice broke up suddenly.
This little whitecoat was one
of the lucky ones who ended up
at the Seal Sanctuary on our farm.
1981 was a memorable year on the farm, for that is when we set up a seal sanctuary here. It came about when our son brought home a baby whitecoat which he had found while walking along the beach.
Before the day was over we had accumulated four little seals.
I tried unsuccessfully to feed them, but it was apparent that I was going to need help.
That was when a friend contacted Brian Davies, head of the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
First thing we knew- a helicopter landed in our field, and along came Mr. Davies and a Veterinary Doctor.
They bundled the seals into the helicopter and off they went to a wildlife park in New Brunswick.
More seals were rescued and brought to the farm. The wildlife park couldn't take any more, so it was suggested that the farm be designated as a seal sanctuary. IFAW supplied personnel, as did Greenpeace, and between us we managed to save most of the 'babies'. That was when I gained the title'Seal Mom'.
Chipped ice was trucked in and an artificial ice flo was constructed as their habitat.
My day was spent grinding up fish and adding fresh cream and vitamins and placing all in blenders until it resembled a thick creamy paste.
This was fed to the seals by placing a tube down into their stomach and pumping the formula into them. They seemed to flourish on this diet, and started to gain weight.
Their beautiful whitecoats soon changed to a mottled gray.
It was a regular circus at the farm Television crews from CBC,ATV,
and ABC, as well as one from British Columbia , and journalists from points in the USA and Canada, descended on the farm to add to the confusion
at our home.
They followed our every move, all eager to get the latest scoop
from the Rose's Seal Sanctuary
The seals had to be taught how to swim, and we trucked them to a nearbye pond to give them practise.
They were playful creatures, and it was with sad hearts that we finally released them to take their chances in the ocean.
Playful Seal Pup
Following our experience with the seals -I have come to believe that the seal hunt should be virtually abolished.
Of course, no doubt there are other opinions on this matter, but I believe that it is inhumane, and I have seen very real evidence of the cruelty displayed by some seal hunters.
Wouldn't it be better to see instead, these beautiful creatures as they frolic and play?
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This beautiful background designed by
Thank you Michele