your vibe

go away
or put on a helmet
i don't want
to fuck with your head
than i already have
with mine
your smile cracks me
and makes me bleed
a river of thought
that is outraged
by past decisions

"if i could only
take back one night..."

what ever do you think
your eyes don't echo
love anymore
not even friendship
just let me turn
you off once more
give me another shot
make me look bad
make you look bad
so i don't have to fall
in love with your looks
and all that's left
to love
is your vibe
your vibe
ahhhhhh your vibe

"if i could only
take back one night..."

there's nothing left to do
because i'm as minute
as a mouse
with all these felines
chasing you down the allies
i hope you handle them well
and don't break
too many feline hearts

"if i could only
take back one night..."

Adrienne Helms