Welcome to the homepage of the Fantasy Artists Webring. If you are here, I guess that it is because you want to join, so I will not step in your way. There are just a few rules and requirements that you must look at.
You must not have an X-rated site. I will be checking all sites over before I add them. You can have a few pictures up that would be considered "risky", but the whole site can't be a bunch of nude pictures all over it.
If you abuse the ring in any way, search through it and flame everyone(unless they are constructive, not a bunch of rude criticism), saying you are better than them (in other words have no taste at all), then all they have to do is e-mail me and tell me about it, and attach the original message, and you'll be thrown out.
All I ask is that you keep the webring HTML fragment onto your page so people know you are in the ring, and can access it easily. It isn't hard, just a cut-and-paste, with a little typing, job.
You must have either your art, or someone's art (used WITH permission) on your page. Don't send me a page all about Ben Affelick or some movie star, and tell me that you like to draw. Your art should be on your page. C'mon people, have a little sense. (I doubt anyone would do that, though)
Your art must be original. You can re-draw a character that you have seen on TV or something, but please, don't re-draw another artists' picture and claim it as your own.
HMM... I think that is it for the requirements. Thanks, and now if you still feel you should be in the ring, just follow these few simple steps!
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