

General | Ops | Media | DCC | CTCP | Fonts | Flood | Logs | Hilight | Notify | Ignore | Auto Op | Protect | Misc.

This page is to help you set up your preferences in PIRCH. But since PIRCH98 has been released, most of the options have been preset which is quite helpful. If you are still using PIRCH32 or PIRCH16(win 3.1) then hopefully this will help you out some


Click on the Prefs tab at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "General".
"Private Notice Destination" select Active Window
this will show all notices on the window that you have active at the moment.

"Private Messages/Notices" select "Minimize New Message Windows" and "Suppress Message Interrupts", this will stop interruptions of your general chat by the private messages.

The Server Connection Timeout in the "Connections" section should be set at 1. Check the box that says "Auto reconnect on disconnect".

Rember to always click on OK to save your changes in prefs.


Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "Ops".

  • Show Op Control Panel when Ops are granted
  • Deop User prior to setting ban
  • These should both be checked

    Type in your Default kick message (This is the message that your kick victim will see when kicked from a channel by you.)
    Reno has kicked badguy from #30+toybox ( You should know better!) /kick/ban will remove a person from the room and keep them from returning

    select your ban method

    These can always be changed to your personal preference.
    Remember to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.


    Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "Media". In PIRCH98 your sound options are already set up for you which saves alot of time...but for those of you that don't have Pirch98 yet please follow these directions:

    Where it says "Sound Options" check these boxes:
  • Enable Sounds
  • Ignore if sound is already playing
  • In the window that says "Default Sound Path" type in the file path that points to where your sound files are. In most cases this will be c:\pirch98\sounds .

    NOTE: if you do not have a folder for sounds you can either take off the \sounds part of the path or create a sounds folder using windows explorer.

    or for PIRCH98 it is c:\pirch98\downloads


    Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "DCC".
    It is recommended that you check these options in DCC:
  • Auto Minimize
  • Auto Close
  • Keep DCC Transaction Log
  • Fill Spaces
  • Use LFN support
  • Where it says Packet size change from whatever to 1024.

    Both windows in Timeouts should have 30 in them.

    make sure that the default download and upload paths point to your pIRCh directory. c:\pirch98\sounds
    NOTE: it is recommendd that you DO NOT check the box that says auto accept chat or auto accept DCC send. this is for security/risk reasons.

    Click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.

    Another Way to Use DCC

    This will be the same except the download path will be c:\pirch98\downloads.
    you will have the same checks in the options as above:
  • You will now go to the top task bar in the main window and click on options
  • then click on DOWNLOAD PATH MAP it will bring up a window like this
  • Then click on add then this window will open and fill it out like it is shown, then hit the ok -- that will close the window
  • Now hit the big check mark to save

  • CTCP

    Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "CTCP".

    This section determines the response that people will get when they do a "Finger" or "User Info" on your nick. Type in whatever you want them to see when they do this.

    Click on OK to save any changes that you have made in prefs.


    Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then on the tab that says "Fonts".

    This section of prefs is where you choose what font you would like to use and how large you want it to be. To change your font face or size click where it says sample and then choose your font and size.

    Please note that depending on the font you choose...certain characters may not be seen or may look funny. It is recommended you use a basic font like arial 9 regular.

    Remeber to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.


    Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "Flood".
    To turn on your flood control put a check in the box that says:
  • Enable Flood Control

  • Set your "Flood Delay Rate" at 3500ms and "Flood Limit" to 3500.

    It is suggested that you leave on the CTCP flood control. This will keep people from intentionally flooding you. To turn on your CTCP flood control will need to check the box that says:

  • Enable CTCP Flood Control
  • Set "Accept CTCP from an address no faster than 200ms.

    Remeber to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.


    This option in prefs will allow you to keep a record of the conversations that you have on IRC. You can choose to keep Channel, Private Message, Server, and DCC Logs. Before you set up this option we suggest that you open your PIRCH file and create a new folder within it. Name this folder "logs".In pirch98 this file is already there
    PIRCH98 already comes with this file.
    Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "Logs". Next put a check in the boxes next to the type of logs you would like to keep (Channel, Private Message, Server, DCC). At the bottom of the prefs window you need to type in your file path for your log folder we had you set up earlier.


    Remeber to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.


    This option in prefs will allow you to tell pirch to highlight certain words or phrases.(such as your nick or any words that you want highlighted) Click on prefs at the top of your window and go to hilight tab.

    To add words or phrases to this list click on add and then type in the word or phrase you want to add, then hit ok. Repeat this step for all the words or phrases you want to add.

    To remove a word from this list click on the word and then click on "Remove".

    You can also set this option up to highlight your own messages or to beep on Highlighted messages. If you would like to do this, check the appropriate box(es) at the bottom.

    NOTE: many of you have come into #Pirch and #30+toybox and asked how to turn this off...just uncheck the Beep on highlighted messages.

    Remeber to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.


    This option in PIRCH will allow you to set up a list of people that you would like to be notified whenever they come on or leave IRC.
    Click on prefs at the top of your pIRCh window and then click on the tab that says "Notify".

    To add people to your list, click on add and type in the name of the person you want to be notified of, then click OK. Repeat this step for all the people you want to add to your list. To remove people highlight the name and click remove.

    You may also type a command to add to the notify list
    /notify togetin
    which shows in the server window togetin has been added to notify.

    Check both boxes at the bottom of the window.

    Remeber to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.


    This option allows you to "ignore" any person added to this list. When you add a person to this list you will not be able to see ANY posts from this person...please be careful when using this.
    Click on prefs at the top of your pIRCh window and then click on the tab that says "Ignore".

    To add someone to this list click on add and then type in the name of the person you would like to ignore. Click on OK. Repeat these steps for all the people you would like to add to this list.

  • Enable Ignore
  • You can also use a command for this option to add them to ignore
    ex: /ignore Badguy

    To remove someone from your list click on their name and then click on "Remove".

    Remember to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.

    Auto Op

    This option will let you set up PIRCH to automatically op(/mode # +o NickName) certain people when they join a room that you have ops in.
    Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "Auto Op".

    To add someone to this list click on add and put in the address of the person you want to auto op (Do not use NickNames here). Then click on OK.

    If you right click in the nickname list and go to USER you can also add the person in auto op that way...be VERY careful in doing this Room takeovers are very common and can be avoided by only granting ops to people you can trust.

    Put a check in the box at the bottom that says:

  • Enable Auto Ops
  • To remove someone from this list click on their address and then click "Remove".

    Remeber to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.


    This option in PIRCH allows you to "protect" anyone added to this list from deops, kicks, and bans.
    Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "Protect".

    To add someone to this list click on add and then type in the name of the person you want to protect. Click on OK. We find that if all ops put each other's nicks in here then if someone comes in and tries to remove the ops from one person the others automatic reop the one the ops was removed from

    Put a check in both boxes at the bottom.

    To remove someone from this list click once on their name and then click on "Remove".

    Remeber to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.


    There are lots of different things you can try here. This is a section that is basically up to you. My advice is to play with these a bit and find a combo that you like and keep them.
    Click on prefs at the top of your PIRCH window and then click on the tab that says "Misc."

    Put a check in the boxes next to:

  • Hide Server Ping/Pong
  • Enhanced Events Format
  • Auto Rejoin If Kicked
  • Whois On Private Msg
  • Auto Rewrap Text
  • Where it says "Default Sign Off Message" type in a message that you would like others to see when you disconnect (the night is short...see you on the next trip)

    Remeber to click on OK to save any changes you have made in prefs.

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