First of all, I wish that you love
And being in love, be loved too.
And if it is not, you can forget fast
And when forgetting, don't hold the pain.
So I wish that wouldn't be that way
But if it is that way, be without despair.
Also, I wish that you have friends
Even the bad and unwise ones be courageous and faithful,
and at least one of them
you are able to trust without any doubt,
because life is that way.
I still wish that you have enemies
Not a lot, nor a few,
But in exact size, for sometimes
They bring respect to you
of yourself certainly.
And, between them, at least one be just
To not make you feel too secure.
Then I wish that you be useful
But not un-replaceable
And at the bad times
when nothing is left
that usefulness be enough for you to stand up.
Also, I wish that you be tolerant
Not with the ones that don't make many mistakes,
because that is easy,
But with the ones who make too many and irreparable mistakes
So making good things with that tolerance
You are able to be an example for another ones.
I wish that if you are young,
Don't grow up too fast
And if you are old, don't want to be younger
And if you are older, don't despair
Because each age has its pleasure and pain
And we have to go through these stages.
I wish that you get sad
Not through all the year, just one day
And in that day you realize
That the daily smile is good
The habitual smile is silly
And the constant smile is sickness.
I wish that you realize urgently
That there are oppressed, unjust and sad people
and they are all over around you.
I also wish that you pet a cat,
Feed a bird and listen to the Blue Bird
Singing triumphantly its morning song
because that way you'll feel good for no special reason.
Also I wish that you plant a seed
Even the little one and you watch it grows
To make you realize how long it takes to get a tree.
I wish you have money
Because you need to be practical
And at least once a year
Put that in front of you and
be able to look at it and say proudly: "this is mine"
Just to be clear that you are the owner of the money
Not the money is the owner of you.
I also wish that no one dear of you die
But if it happens, you'll be able to cry
Without complaining, pain or guilt.
Finally, I wish that if you are a man
You have a good woman
And if you are a woman
You have a good man.
And love each other today, tomorrow and forever,
And when you both feel tired
Still there is love to start over.
And if all these things happen
I don't have wishes for you anymore.
~Version from a poem by Victor Hugo~
"Breathe"~Faith Hill~
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