New book publication
Best of Meme
Among the authors of the poems and
prose pieces assembled in this anthology are James Steerforth,
Leonard Blumfeld, Niebla, Surendra Sparsh, Iself and Felix
These miniatures, which range from humorous to deadpan,
satirical to whimsical and spiritual to only
beautiful, are the result of the author's participation
in various so-called memes – also referred to as writing or
art prompts – in the English-language literary and art blog
world in 2007 and 2008.
2008, paperback, 52 pages, $8.95/Ł4.50/€7.99.
ISBN: 978-1-6048-1364-7.
Can be ordered directly from Wordclay,
the publisher, or from any bookstore or online bookstore, e.g.
US, Amazon
UK, Amazon