Cover Art by Cathi (Cat) Wong <>
Eugene Goheen was born and raised on the plains of South Dakota. Then for five exciting years he rose into the sky as an Air Force Navigator. His writing career began with a BA at the University of California, Berkeley. Goheen was awarded a two year Schubert Fellowship at Syracuse University, N.Y. for the full length play, OUT THE CANDLE. The three act drama, SHATTERED SHELLS, staged at the Syracuse Boars Head Theater, was Goheen's MA Thesis. Although his manuscript trunk is chock-full, INSIDEtheRAINBOW is the first novel Goheen has submitted for publication. Cover Art by Cathi (Cat) Wong <>
Four decades into the future US energy shortages give rise to a dictatorial Energy Czar. His grasping for unlimited power triggers a battle with three brilliant scientists who discover and intend to harness a revolutionary new energy source for the good of all.
The life story of Avrum Bengel, who mutates into a carbocrystalline transducer, spans the gulf between our genetic based life and a new form of carbocrystalline life. Control of Bengel shapes the battle over who will unleash this new holowave energy.
At stake is the world economy. Whether acknowledged or not, one day the oil barrels will run dry. The race for energy independence is the race for freedom itself.
How can I help you market INSIDEtheRAINBOW, an 86,000 word science thriller?
You can refer them to my personal website at where there are synopsis, back cover blurbs, biographical material and cover graphics. The cover art was produced by an excellent artist, Cathi A. Wong, who has designed eighty professional book covers. (copy enclosed).
You can offer them one of my print on demand copies of the book, without charge. I only enlisted a POD publisher to enhance the commercial potential of the book. My contract with allows instant termination and relinquishes no author rights.
Give them the theme of the story: What happens when the oil spigots go dry? This nagging question will be a current event for the next fifty years. One can't turn around without hearing about some impending crisis over energy supplies.The story takes place five decades in the future when oil spigots run dry. The milieu of worldwide energy shortages gives rise to a U.S. energy czar with dictatorial power. The most challenging character for readers is a mutant carbon eater, Avrum Bengel. His personal sacrifices result in an energy solution for all time. By donating his crystalline eyes, able to see into an invisible realm, Bengel changes mankind's perspective forever. The story concludes on a happy note. The earth will not end up choking on its own pollution. The story has transitional characters in real human relationships, amusement, romance, suspense, action and a very apt denouement. It is anchored by a world view such as were the films MATRIX and THIRTEENTH FLOOR. I believe this story to be totally unique.
My writing career began with a B.A, University of California, Berkeley. I was next awarded a Schubert Fellowship at Syracuse University, N.Y. where my drama SHATTERED SHELLS was
staged as my M.A. Thesis.