Central for Atomic Bomb Owners and Worshippers
- Follow the nuke arsenals during the cold war. It ain't over yet !
- Building an atom bomb yourself isn't so difficult ! Read here how to make your own atom bomb.
- There's a lot of information on The Plutonium Connection if you want to build y'er own.
- More information on where to get your uranium & how to refine plutonium can be found at The Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility.
- Were we talking about just atomic bombs ? Here's something stronger : thermonuclear warfare with The Hydrogen Bomb ! Unfortunately, there's less fallout after this one, so it's boom and finished (but it's a very, very big boom !)
- Unfortunately, there's no immediate, off-the-shelf atom bomb available on the Interent, except for ACME Products.
- Watch out : playing around with atomic bombs, specially the detonation part, may be detrimental to your healt, as some French tests have in the Pacific atolls have shown.
- For people who think this is all very, very strange and they get a bit worried about this website, I've added a Disclaimer !