This poem is dedicated to "Boots", who was Best Man in our wedding. He has been my friend since childhood; and also a friend of my husband's since they were boys. Boots and I also went to school together. He is truly a special friend! |
JUST A FRIEND Since childhood we have known each other, Through all the turns and bends. And he was always my big brother, Though he was just a friend.
My mom and dad were friends with his, And so began a trend. I was like his little sis, But he was just a friend.
While staying at the seashore, And trying to pretend That I was grown-up and secure, He introduced his friend.
His friend and I went on a date, The rest is history. Remembering how I met my mate Remains a mystery.
Our wedding day, the sun did shine, And when the day began, We knew that everything was fine, Our friend was our best man.
As time goes by, we stay in touch, And will until the end. For he is one who means so much, Our very special friend! |
To Richie and Donia: |
OLD FRIENDS Friends may come and friends may go, But old friends are the best, you know.
When we were young, we had few cares, and laughed of growing old; We talked about our rocking chairs and teeth all filled with gold.
Together we had such fun watching our children grow, And soon their school days were all done, so off to work they'd go.
We moved away and felt so sad to leave our friends so true, So we would pick the phone up when we were feeling blue.
We miss the good times that we had, and so we have to say-- How we would speak of growing old -- wasn't that yesterday?
We've made new friends; they're really great, and we have had a ball, We cherish all our friendships, But OLD FRIENDS ARE BEST OF ALL! |
The next poem is dedicated to Doris, Jean and Dorie, my Friday Bridge Club. We laugh, carry on, and even manage to play a little Bridge! |
BRIDGE Once a week we come to play With quarters in our purse. The game is Bridge -- our special day To deal the cards and curse.
The hostess serves us snacks and drinks, The offerings abound. Winning is great -- losing stinks! And of course, we'll gain a pound.
But rain or shine, we will be there To spend the afternoon. We love to play and love to share This time that ends too soon! |
This poem is a Valentine which was written for my best friend, Bill (my husband). |
MY VALENTINE You'll always be my lifelong friend, The one on whom I can depend. When cares and problems make me blue, I know that I can turn to you.
We met when we were young and strong And found a love that lasted long. We've lived our lives from day to day, And now our hair has turned to gray.
Though time has passed, our love has grown, And we are glad we're not alone. So I will ask you one more time, Will you please be my Valentine? |