Welcome to my Guestbook!

Brian Gibson - 10/30/00 01:08:09
My Email:bgoffshore@aol.com

sarah - 10/19/00 19:58:32
My URL:http://www.josar.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:king01202@yahoo.com
Hi Ken Interesting site. I have a story in progress on my site called "This Life". Perhaps you would let me know what you think ... or just click on the links to save rainforest, feed the hungry and care for children with aids all at no cost to yourself. Anyway, take care. Sarah

sarah - 10/19/00 19:58:07
My URL:http://www.josar.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:king01202@yahoo.com
Hi Ken Interesting site. I have a story in progress on my site called "This Life". Perhaps you would let me know what you think ... or just click on the links to save rainforest, feed the hungry and care for children with aids all at no cost to yourself. Anyway, take care. Sarah

Ruth - 09/21/00 08:15:41
My URL:http://www.bham.ac.uk
My Email:R.E.Watts@bham.ac.uk
interests: history including local and gender history
comments: enjoying browsing your web

- 06/10/00 16:30:14
My Email:ann.gallagher@gfl.org
It was good to meet you on Friday.I'm looking forward to reading your mindmaps.

- 04/27/00 17:01:44
My Email:drwp@hotmail

Trevor Lewis - 04/11/00 13:00:35
My Email:trevorlewis@homebase66.freeserve.co.uk
Having briefly met you at St Alban's School Governing Body Meeting on 10/04/2000 (you gave me your chair....) and enjoyed the slide show presentation, I can honestly say that the School's website is 'fab' (sorry about the use of slang...). The fact that upils can interact with the site and contribute to it's contents shows the school at its best. I look forward to seeing further articles... Well Done Trevor (School Governor)

s.y. affolee - 03/13/00 05:27:00
My URL:http://members.gojasper.com/fairytalearchive/
My Email:fairytalearchive@gojasper.com

Really interesting site! Keep up the good work :)

Frank - 03/01/00 20:55:45
My Email:Frank2hunter@hotmail.com

Wow, after surfing the net, looking for pictures of birmingham city to download for my own web page, i came across your page. While browsing through it i noticed a very adequate picture of birmingham city center, especially seeing Highgate (where i live) learly in it. Having read most of your page, thinking it was very professional and interesting and also seeing pics of my old school,i finally went to the 'about me' page and then everything clicked. ONLY MR AND MRS BONHAM could have produced such an ine esting page like this. very good. from your former pupil (and at times a pain in the arse) Franklin Smith. PS nice to see you again.

Russell Gough - 02/15/00 11:49:53
My URL:http://www.roundwound.com
My Email:ruskov@roundwound.com

Hi Ken! Thanks for the party on Saturday. Very friendly/relaxing and entertaining! Had a quick browse of your site - the java canal is indeed soothing, the mind map concept is a new idea (to me anyway..) and yes, your site is optimised for speed. Will return to scour your other pages later. By for now! Russell

jeanwallace - 01/01/00 17:54:20
My Email:jeanwallace@freei.net

Dear Ken, your Home Page is improving! Thought I would just put my new e-mail address in here. I have sent you a New Year card. xxxjw

Clive Charman - 11/29/99 13:10:04
My Email:cxc@adam.com.au

Am an 80 year old ex Brummie, thought I knew the city but where is Highgate? have a photo of Gas St Basin taken in 1900, would you like me to send it as an attachment. One of the best Brummie home pages I have seen.

peter - 10/09/99 07:43:56
My Email:petersav@nw.com.au

thanks for a great web page Ken brought back many memories as i was from brum many years ago.. keep up the good work.. peter

Suzanne Daley - 10/06/99 17:51:02
My URL:http://www.nucleus.com/~stazdaley
My Email:stazdaley@nucleus.com

I love your poetry!!!

- 09/24/99 23:11:00


Derek - 09/22/99 17:27:23
My Email:drwp@hotmail

Excellent site, putting many commercial ventures to shame.

Children's Aid Direct Education Programme Staff - 07/30/99 04:34:29
My Email:cadctc@azevt.com

It has been made professionally. We enjoyed to look in your Web site. All the best and successes Education Programme Satff of CAD P.S. We look forward to create conjointly Web Site

Dorothy Combs - 07/26/99 06:24:10
My URL:/~dotcombs/
My Email:dotcombs@yahoo.com

Liked the poetry you put up on your web site. Also the canal photos. Check out the Ring of Lake Applets. I think you only need two, "lake," pictures to be included in the ring.

Rob Waterhouse - 07/14/99 19:43:56
My Email:waterhouse@knorton30.freeserve.co.uk

Hi Ken, Nice to have met you last Friday/Saturday. I've taken up your invitation to drop in. Very interesting. I've copied your HTML file to my hard disk and am giving it a go. Love the photo album and will visit again. The book by your mate looks similar to a couple of books I have by my mate Dick Litchfield. He's a 'western' writer. Will talk again. Cheers - Rob.

Dan the Man - 06/11/99 21:35:44
My URL:http://geocities.com:80/SiliconValley/Program/6530
My Email:danielm@nestucca.k12.or.us

I saw your site. I haven't made many updates to my page. I will do that though. I like what you've done. Talk to you later.

Jean Wallace - 06/08/99 21:30:42
My Email:jwallace@wolfenet.com

Hi Ken and Margaret, Loved your new Web Page. Took a look at flamenco and Birmingham sunsets. Amazing to see the water and reflexions moving and the music is good too. Loading time is still a little slow, but that may be a fault at our end. However, considering the technical complexity, it is altogether amazing! xxxjw

Laura - 06/02/99 16:57:12
My URL:/~lbhelfrich
My Email:lhelfrich@compuserve.com

I enjoyed my visit to your pages. I'll be back, too. I plan to add a link to your pages when I update next.

Laura - 06/02/99 16:57:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~lbhelfrich
My Email:lhelfrich@compuserve.com

I enjoyed my visit to your pages. I'll be back, too. I plan to add a link to your pages when I update next.

Laura - 06/02/99 16:57:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~lbhelfrich
My Email:lhelfrich@compuserve.com

I enjoyed my visit to your pages. I'll be back, too. I plan to add a link to your pages when I update next.

Rod Ling (UFA) - 06/02/99 13:05:19
My Email:rod@cling.freeserve.co.uk

I've only made one serious visit to date Ken but I'm impressed with the photos and the local history. I've also visited (and printed) the poetry - perhaps I'll send you something of my own!

Lala Winata - 05/22/99 19:42:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/3454
My Email:purplequartz@geocities.com

Hi Ken Thanks for signing my guestbook.. I've browsed through your pages, and certainly enjoyed the tour, especially your photo album. Keep up the good work!

Joan M Diez - 05/16/99 09:21:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/5383/
My Email:jdiez123@pie.xtec.es

Wow, Ken! It was great to read your comments on my Catalan site. I must tell you I loved your site. Keep up the good work! And check my EFL site when you can. WeŽll be in touch. Good luck!

Jean Wallace - 05/11/99 21:23:42
My Email:jwallace@wolfenet.com

Dear Ken, Loved your links to xword puzzles. Will definitely use them for my class. Also "Look, see or watch Quiz by Joan Diez. Thanks for all your help. I will browse through again soon. jw

Phil - 05/11/99 18:31:37
My Email:focus@fcl-mid.demon.co.uk

Brilliant, Ken! I hope I've sent you the right E - mail.

Paul Ward - 05/11/99 08:39:10
My URL:http://www.paulwardphoto.com
My Email:paulward@akula.com

Hi buddy. Thanks for visiting my site. I enjoyed your Birmingham photos and thought your Sunset and Flamenco photos were great. I really must invest in a slide scanner so I can start shooting for fun again and cover some of the many cultural festivals ere in New York City.

KEN - 05/10/99 14:26:24


JoeyDragon - 05/06/99 05:04:56
My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/3750
My Email:Dragon1306@aol.com

KEN! Thank you so much for your advice on creating a bookshelf! If you visit my site, you'll see my take on it. Of course, mine isn't educational like yours, but I had a good time doing it! Thanks SOOOOOO Much!

John Lo - 04/10/99 03:00:39
My URL:http://www.jklimagery.com
My Email:johnlo@jklimagery.com

Thank you for visiting my site. Love your site as well. You have some beautiful sunsets too. I love the panorama of London. I started to do something similar to that with New York City.... the only problem is, I haven't had the time to finish with it et. One day it will be on my site, if it ever finish. =) Thanks /jkl

Jean Wallace - 04/08/99 17:17:08
My Email:jwallace@Wolfenet.com

Got into your photo album and saw panorama of London. Very easy to access now. Some time ago you recommended an educational site to me, but I have lost the URL. I got a really nifty "alphabet" off it, and now all the other ESL instructors want one! If you can send it to me again, I'd be obliged. jw in Seattle, USA

Denise - 04/05/99 23:30:37
My URL:http://accucomm.net/~footfoot/denise
My Email:denise@joymail.com

Thank you for your visit. Doing much better back on medication--you just CAN'T create in really depressive states. So I should be fixing the site up soon. AND..the bookshelf concept is very nifty! I'll be back.

joeydragon - 03/29/99 15:39:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/3750
My Email:Dragon1306@aol.com

What a wonderful site! The only thing missing are pictures of you and Maggie! I am extremely interested in how you did the bookshelf; I've wanted to do one for my cookbook pages, but have thus far failed in my attempts. I worked for Lloyds Bank for 8 y ars and traveled extensively to London - but never made it to Birmingham. From your pictures, I wish I had. It has a very charming look to the place. Thank you for stopping by my site and giving me this opportunity to return the visit. I've really enjoyed my stay!

Katie - 03/11/99 02:23:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Basement/8703/index.html
My Email:theskaqueen@yahoo.com

nice site-- i was checking out a random site and you had signed that guest book so i figured i'd check yours out. katie

Scott Bolinger - 03/08/99 02:41:14
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/wallst/scott250
My Email:Scott250@webtv.net

very nice homepage, looks like you put alot of work into it. keep up the good work

Jean Wallace - 02/21/99 17:31:49
My Email:jwallace@wolfenet.com

Hi Ken, On 27th Mar. I am going to another training session. This time for instructors who teach "level ESL classes". This means students (adults only) have been assessed as to their level of English speaking, reading and writing skills and put into a class of imilar level students. Eastside Literacy is a non-profit organization set up to help adults who are either tackling English as a "second" langauge or who for one reason or another never attained proficiency in American schools. The organization uses a 3 approaches. "Talk time" where students are not streamed and the aim is to simply give students an opportunity to practice their English speaking in a non-threatening supportive environment. Usually between 10 and 20 students in a class depending on the location, which may be ei her library, ES own classroom, or classrooms in other schools and colleges. Next there are level classes, taught according to their ability with a workbook and structured instruction. Third is one-on-one tutoring for students who need help with specific tasks. Applying for jobs, passing GED (high school certification) or applying for citizenship. We also have computer classes, which I am not familiar with. The staff (numbering about 10, some part-time, some full time) are paid and they raise money, supervise the volunteers and run the business side of the organization.

Jean Wallace - 02/21/99 17:20:05
My Email:jwallace@wolfenet.com


- 02/20/99 14:26:18


heather gilbert - 02/19/99 19:17:39
My Email:heathergilbert@kalmus.com

Thanks for alerting me about your web page. The photos are terrific. Looks like Birmingham has grown into quite an attracitve town now. Heather

- 02/14/99 12:26:32


ShatteredStar - 02/13/99 16:21:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/8545
My Email:starcaptain_@hotmail.com

Cool page; thanks for signing my guestbook... will come back and visit sometime...

- 02/10/99 19:22:48


PFC - 02/08/99 01:01:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~flotiste
My Email:flotiste@hotmail.com

Well, you came to see my page, so I thought i should return the favour. I think there's a lot of really interesting stuff. I work in a bookstore as well, and really enjoyed your page. Anyway, greetings from Canada! :)

- 02/07/99 22:24:51


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