Fallen Twilight
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Welcome to the Fallen Twilight guild page. I hope you enjoy this little site!

whats new in fallen tiwlight
  1. Fallen Twilight is, as always, recruiting.
  2. Thanks to Tsu Shi of Invictus for the awesome emblem!
about the guild
Fallen Twilight is an international Ragnarok Online guild.

We currently have 11 members, and are very active in game. We are very much like a family, in some ways. Also, we help novies and younger players to learn the game, as well as help them get started a bit.

The guild is lead by Jaie, aka Synnestra, and Michael, aka Endless Twilight.

Guild officers are Matt, aka Parsimon, and Eric, aka Cerino or Hiding Chaos.

so you want to join
To join the guild, you may message in game any of the people listed, or use their personal information listed here and on the forums.