the many faces of Tempest Brightsahdow
Well, i'm Tempest, and this is my web page, or rather my sorry excuse for one.  My full name is Swordmaster Tempest Brightshadow, clan SkyWalker, but the story behind my name is a long one, and is only now being written.  If ever my biographer would quit doing her insignificant college work and get busy, my story might just come out a little quicker.  But alas and alack, mostly a lack of time, this is not to be...
Oh, i forgot to introduce Annot.  Annot Ligia, a strange little Ryo that i adopted... She's rather shy.  Her training hasn't begun yet, and she's not very used to people... She will be a wonderful warrior and guardian some day; she has a heart of gold. If you want to adopt one of her littermates, just go to the  Lunar Dragon Adoption Site
Of course, i am not the only one involved here.  My good friend Elora was kind enough to draw my portrait, and she herself will make numerous appearances in my story, as well as Kella, the best friend a girl could ever have... Her alter-ego has a web page of her own, along with the wonderous stuff she's written... you can meet her here in the Dreamworld
    For now, i will leave you with this (highly unenlightening) piece of work.  Sooner or later i'm bound to get back to working on it, seeing as how this is a wonderful procrastination tool for anything important that might happen to crop up. And seeing as how i have many things that are constantly demanding my attention, this page will probably get a lot of work done.  So farewell, my friends, and may the Shadows be banished by the light within us.
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