Trees needing Photos or HTML Description
tree drawing by Billy

Tree Drawing by Billy

Trees needing HTML, description or Photos
  1. Tree Photos and HTML Description ready
  2. Tree Photos needing HTML Description
  3. Trees needing Photos and HTML Description
  4. HTML Description needing Trees Photos [coming]
1) Tree Photos and HTML Description ready

  1. Alder
  2. Ginkgo
  3. Jacaranda
  4. Silver Maple
  5. Sycamore
  6. Tulip Tree
2) Tree Photos needing HTML Description
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  1. Landscape view OF SWEETGUM TREELandscape view of SWEETGUM tree
  2. landscape view OF TIPUlandscape view of TIPU
  3. tall UMBRELLA treetall UMBRELLA
  4. TORNADO palmrow of TORNADO Palm [Mexican FAN Palm]
  5. colorless Giant BIRD of PARADISE in bloom
  6. MORETON BAY FIG  BEFORE FENCESBalboa Park MORETON BAY FIG before fences and preservation attempts [no more climbing]
  7. BIG LEAFED PHILLODENDRONhuge PHILLODENDRON plant with huge leaves and eyes on stalk
  8. SUMAC SUMACKINGSUMAC assumed leaves with white flowers
  9. deep cut WHITE MULBERRY leavesdeep cut WHITE MULBERRY leaves
  10. FLAME tree aflame with red flowersFLAME tree aflame with red flowers
  11. big FERNPINE piningbig FERNPINE pining
3) Trees needing Photos and HTML Description
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  1. Goldenrain
  2. Crabapple
  3. Japanese Cherry
  4. Holly
  5. Juniper
  6. Scots pine
  7. Dogwood
  8. Hornbeam
  9. Torrey pine
4) HTML Description needing Trees Photos
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tree drawing Feel free to email me at William Miller or my dad at with any comments or suggestions. tree drawing