Jeff's Cyberbar and Landfill Museum
is, of course, Y2K compliant. 

This website was developed with no mission statement in mind and makes no pretense to social benefit.

Click PANIC if boss is coming!

Java Applets/DHTML/Graphics/JavaScript best experienced with Internet Explorer


Java Test

Background Music: Just The Way It Is

Jeff Signs Music Deal with Columbia Records!

Guitar Magazine is reporting that Jeff has signed a multi, possibly double-digit record contract with blockbuster Columbia Records. Jeff, vacationing at his secret love-nest high atop the hills overlooking South Irving, issued this brief statement: "I am pleased to be back with Columbia again. This is a great arrangement for both parties. Over the next three years, I must buy 6 records, get 11 free...with nothing else to buy ever!"

Jeff Mistaken For Movie Star At Cannes Film Festival!

Women are constantly confusing Jeff with Antonio Banderas. So it's no wonder when vacationing in the South of France, Jeff can't really move around in public the way he'd like. While he is sure Mr. Banderas is complimented by the resemblance, it's just something Jeff has to live with.


By the way, this site operates in a smoke-free, healthy
environment. Jeff dislikes smoking. Jeff won't even let his 12-year-old smoke in front of her kids.


Let's Continue!

By now, I'm sure you would like to have some links to other sources on Jeff. Check these out!

Places where Jeff spends way too much time...

Dice Dealer The Wall Street Journal Sports Illustrated
MP3 Jukebox The Las Vegas Sun MLT Vacations
Yahoo Sports The Street.Com The Drudge Report

 oops, the site still has a few bugs...

Ok, Ok, by now you are drawn to the mystery and complexity that surrounds Jeff.

You know intuitively to click on another topic at left.

For further exposure to Jeff's subliminal messages, re-read this page...over and over.