Dear God, help me to love the sinner while hating the sin.
Help me to see your creation in its original form
while looking at its degeneration throughout the history of humankind.
Help me to have a hunger for your Word,
a love of Christian fellowship,
a heart open to my Christian brothers and sisters
and a strong back to do your work,
to spread your gospel message to all who will hear it.
I need your help, God, moment by moment and day by day.
I am weak but Thou art strong; I am blind but Thou can see.
I believe in you, God; You know I do!
If my faith was even stronger I could move mountains as you said I could.
I love you, God, and I know you love me.
Thanks for the peace and hope you project across the blank front page of my soul.
Please never give up on me.
I am trying to do as you would have me do and be as you would have me be.
Steve Sedberry
10 Nov 2003