The old west and cowboy life have fascinated folk from all walks of life. No matter where they grew up, little boys played cowboys and Indians and they all had their favorite hero.
Never more so than recently, hoever, has the cowboy craze been so evident. Country-Western music is internationally accepted, country night clubs are found in every city and town and country music radio stations are heard in every direction of the compass here in America.
Only a few years ago, if you were to wear a western hat and cowboy boots in the big cities in the north and east you would most likely be laughed off. Now, however, you can see the evidence of western style clothing in some of the finest stores. Even non-functional, decorative spurs are worn on high fashion boots.
You see, the old west and cowboy life have etched their way deeply inot the hearts and lives of all of us. Who among has not dreamed of a covered wagon ride across the plains or a bumpy stagecoach ride into a dusty cow town.
Enjoy, if you will, these little poetic reminders of our nations cowboy roots in the old west.
Selected Poems from So, You Wish You Were A Cowboy and Hitchin Rail Gossip
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