The 'Me' Bit |
Well, I guess every homepage needs the obligatory 'me' section, so this is mine! The pic above is me as well funnily enough, dodgy pose but never mind... I won't go on for hours cos it's boring, and besides, there's loads of much more interesting stuff I'd like to show you. OK, well my name's Karen Robinson, I'm 25 and live in a wonderful(!?) city called Sunderland
Anyway, I'm not gonna sit and tell you my whole life story as I'm sure we've all got better things to do *s*. Suffice to say that After I got my G.C.S.E's I packed up and shipped out to Coventry where I sampled my first taste of freedom and independance at Hereward & Tile Hill Colleges. I was there for three years and looking back we did have some pretty cool times, namely drunken nights in the `Woody's' and the excellent Dog & Trumpet, which, surprisingly, was nextdoor to HMV. But I guess the real fun began when I went to Wolverhampton Uni to do a BA Hons in Media, Communications & English. Now whenever Dudley is mentioned it's always a que to poke fun, and who am I to argue, there's no denying the place is a little erm, um, well lets just say `unconventional'! However, with the help of some very cool mates and long nights in the Union with lots of alcohol I survived three years of living there, had some of the best times of my life, and that amazing doodley accent will always have a special place in my heart *bg*. Oh yeah, and I even got a degree at the end of it all! I suppose I should say I'm older, wiser and more responsible these days, even though not one word is true. Still, I needed to act as though I was so I came back to Sunderland and found myself a job, hehehe. Following the path of my degree I now work for The Northern Echo, a regional newspaper based in Darlington. I'm an internet assistant and help maintain the company's web site, and I get to do some writing too, so all in all it's a pretty cool job. OK, what's next? Hobbies. I love going out with my mates ,having a good time and partying (ask anyone from Dudley Campus about our House's party punch drinks and they'll have a tale to tell). And although I don't do it as often now, I still like to go out and have a good laugh. Reading's another one of my passions and I think I've read just about every Stephen King book known to man. I'd give anything to be able to write like Anne Rice too, her Vampire novels are something else. I love the classics (I guess that's what comes of being an English student), let me get stuck into Jane Eyre or Tess and you'll never rouse me! Another thing I don't do so much of now is go to the theatre. There's nothing quite like roaming around Stratford-Upon-Avon on a summer's day then taking in a play, oh and of course you need to fit in a Haagen Dasz Cafe visit somewhere *S*.
Well, so much for not waffling on... maybe I am self-obsessed after all, hehe. That's about it really but before I go I'd really like to mention some special people in my life, I guess you could call this the soppy part *s*. First of all my Mam & Dad and the rest of my HUGE family, they're all pretty excellent and I love em loads. Steve, who knows who and what he means to me. Then of course there's my three oldest mates in the world Beth, Angie and Kaz Miller, I don't see Angie and Kaz much and I miss you guys loads :( My uni mates are too many to mention but they know who they are, The Bean Street Gang (always a dodgy smell in the air when they were around, can't imagine what that was), Sophie, Hec, Nicholas `our' Greek who adopted us as his family, Kirstin, Natalie, Jennie, Lainie, John (and his Little Goblin!), Matt, Mark blah blah blah!
So, now I've bored you stupid I hope you havn't been put off browsing round the rest of the site! Take your time and come back again, it might take me a while but I will update it. Have fun.