...About Lai's painting...Lai's Art Gallery

For the victims of September 11, in NY City.
Painted in 1993 (water colours)
Struggle '86


Spirit '91


Searching '89

I paint when I'm full of spirituality. When I paint, I think about the people - many colors, beauties and ugliness, tall and short, big and small, poor and rich. They are all moving around, wondering around. I see the beauty of different kinds of people dominant in the world. Each of them has their own beauty. Some beautiful people do ugly things; some ugly people do beautiful things. They all deal with each other everyday. No matter what they do or plan on doing, they are all related to each other -they all need each other.
This is why I paint colorful paintings. I want to see all kinds of colors work together. Hopefully, they will work together and do their job to provide a better tomorrow.

Success '87
Everyone searches for different qualities of life, yet very few seem to work for the good qualities in life everyone can share, especially true peace. I feel that people should make themselves flexible and open to everyone, for you will feel the happiness inside.

Romance '88



Don't be jealous of other people, or even complain about the way your life is going, no matter how big or small the problems. Just be cool, be wise, and be yourself. We all know everything good takes time to complete, and it's no kind of life to hurry everything day in and day out.

Illinois wesleyan Campus
(Spring Scene 1993)


Illinois wesleyan Campus
(Spring Scene 1993)

Interior Chinese Restaurant
Design Concept ( 1994)

Illinois wesleyan Campus
(Spring Scene 1993)

Existentialism '94 (USA)

I am a lonely traveler, I never slow my life down to seriously fall in love with anything. I am searching for an unreasonable destination without any control

With the company of Mother Nature. My journey is such an enjoyable and relaxing one. Sometimes I think to myself am I that crazy and ignorant because I know not what I want

Why not follow the trail of human beings to wander together with everybody else in pop culture and outdated ideals

But I am still looking for the abstarct lifestyle, uncontrolled by the laws and hypocracies of this world

Yet, there are still not any good explanations to complete the puzzle in my life

I probably need a change to move closer to my ideal life with confidence so I can make something happen one day...

Written by: C H LAI (1993)
Edited by: Jason W. Pankoke (1994)

Effort '85

Changes '93

Illinois wesleyan Campus
(Summer Scene 1993)

Seriously '92

Struggle '86

Action '84
The Eye will remember what the ear will forget...
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