My grandfather was never to be seen without a camera in hand. It's probably from him that I got my love of photography. And now that I've actually taken a course about it, and purchased my own really good camera, I'm starting to produce my own masterpieces. Now if I only had a scanner... ^_^;; 'Till then, I guess you'll just have to look at some of my vacation pictures and early works ^_^;;; Enjoy! Click on the thumbnails here to see the full picture. All photos were taken by me, Katherine Jones, and shouldn't be used without asking me first.
These photos were taken during a cross-Canada driving trip. The Rocky Mountains. The Alberta Badlands. Various photos: the Pacific ocean near British Columbia, an Ontario waterfall, and the misty Olduvai Gorge in Ontario. A California sunset. A black-and-white photo of my sister's cat, Seemi; and a photo of my cat, Calico, sitting on my bed. Main | Art Gallery | Photography | Interests | Frogs | Links | Mail me
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