Try this plan to step OUT of Writer's Block NOW!


a. Write your subject on paper and circle it. Now, write down the very next thing you think of and circle that. Then draw a line connecting these 2 circles.

b. Now, write down what you thought of as you wrote the second word. And draw a line connecting it to the previous word.

c. Follow this process until you have exhausted your brain!

What you are doing is playing the "old psychology game." You may remember this from your Psychology class taken in high school or college. One person says a word and the second person responds immediately with the very next word that comes to mind.

Note: If you think of more than 1 word, write all of them down and draw lines to the word that generated them. Write down EVERYTHING, no matter how silly it may seem. After you complete the ENTIRE process, you will see how those seemingly "silly" responses were crucial to your creativity.

To see a sample of this step, click HERE!