This --The School of The Glens photo Name index-- contains over 3000 name entries along the following format
Surname, Christian, Location Ref. Date Notes
The location and date field in this name index is not consistent in providing information on the person concerned due to make up of book information, thus gaps exist
It is hoped that eventually more names from the Schools of The Glens will be indexed, so that a complete name index results. This photo index is the beginning.
softcover, cerlox bound, size 8 1/2" X 11" about 92 pages.
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updated 3/25/08
The School of The Glens
The School of the Glens,1992, Editor Marion MacMaster , hard cover, size 8 1/2" by 11", no index, many illustrations, various contributors make up the contents of this work, deals with the history of the Schools in the township of Lochiel, Kenyon and part of Prescott County.
Vogan, Mary Mrs. Lochiel TSTG 1943 - 1944 p. 20 McCrimmon East, teacher
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