Fuster was born in Caibarién, Villa Clara, Cuba
on August 6th of 1946.
He was graduated in Arts at the School for Professors of Art in 1965 and
after, during the following years , he initiated his career as a ceramist.
Since then, he has taken part in more than a dozen of exhibitions, several
of them are personal.
His artworks have been exhibited besides Cuba, in Brazil, Chile, Czechoslovakia,
Poland, Rumania, Soviet Union, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Nicaragua,
Peru, Mexico, United Kingdom, Canada and in the U. S. A.
He is a member of the U. N. E. A. C. ( National Union of Cuban Writers
and Artists), of the A. C. A. A. ( Cuban Association of Artists Craftsmen
) and of the A. I. A. ( International Association of Artists).
The Ministry of the Cuban Culture agreed to José Fuster in 1996,
the Distinction for the National Culture which is the maximum Order the
Government grants to Cuban artists.