Welcome to My HomePage!


Welcome to my homepage, yes I am back! And better than ever!! yeah right, anyways I felt that I had to take off that construction gif 'cuz I'm not always improving this page. Who really cares if I warn people that this page is always under heavy ass construction?? Who really gives??? As long as people see some production right? Well I'll stop being skeptical and continue


Before I go on any further let me introduce myself. I grew up in the city of NYC(Yea!) Here where I was born and raised. I like the TAA (Typical Asian Activities) -> REAL stupid term but I suppose it would describe what us ny asians do.

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Links to other destinational spots enter here


My life almost feels like this very toilet bowl here. I go round and round and end up in the same place everyone else is. In other words like shit

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You wanna see my kittie?? Dang~ he just started to spray my room and I got mad ticked off!! shoot, but he can be cute sometimes that is


Check it out here for a 3D MaGiC- eYe

Check out my somewhat you can call a photo album :D



to hit my spot :P~ (one too many times? hahaha never!)

Please leave a message after the beep. Not exactly but sign my cheesy little guestbook even though I am not able to ask the questions I wanna ask like, who r u? and like the other junk so just try to fit as much as ya cans

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Please e-mail and all comments and questions to:

sweeteepi@geocities.com or SwEeTeEpi2@aol.com




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