swear I already wrote
this entry once. Maybe more than once.
I seem to be getting in the habit of losing the floppies that I copy
these entries onto to cart them around. But it’s more than just that –
I think these same exact events happened to me before.
Sunday, I flew back east for another interview. I had really psyched
myself up for this one – I studied the company as much as I could, and
played out every possible conversation in my head. I was determined to
make a good impression at this one. It was a lot closer to home, they work
on really interesting products, and the company seems to take really good
care of its employees.
My flight arrived on time, I had a bit to eat, found the hotel, studied
up on some of the details of the company, and went to bed.
And I lay there. And I lay there. Again.
I finally fell asleep around 3:30 AM, barely in time to wake up at 6:30
for the interview. All this was even worse, because 6:30 actually felt
like 3:30 with three hours of jet lag.
The interview itself was actually pretty strange. I met with the HR
person first, then about 5 engineers and managers. At least one of them
was thoroughly convinced that I didn’t know what I was doing, but two of
them were speaking to me like I was already hired. The HR person promised
that they would get back to me soon – and they did. I already received
a letter saying, basically, thanks but no thanks.
Actually, it was even worse than that – they went on to say that they
would possibly be interested in the future, and that they would keep me
in mind should something come up that is a little closer to my background.
So now, instead of just forgetting about it and getting on with my life,
I have to live with this slight glimmer of hope that everything will work
out. I’m still checking the phone messages and e-mail several times a day,
hoping that just maybe they would call. I haven’t felt this pathetic since
I was desperately wishing for a girlfriend back in high school.
Of course, look how that turned out….