Crystal Photography's Home on the Web

The Crystal Web
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Have you ever noticed, early in the morning, a perfectly symmetrical spider web covered with dew? The early morning sun, glinting off the dew drops, turning the web into a crystal-like jewel...
Or at a child, looking in a toy store window, with so much joy on their face, that you can almost see Imagination as an animate object...
Have you ever seen a stream, as it winds through the woods, and noticed that it could be the answer...or the reason...
or watched as the sun sets over a mountain, and finishes its daily task, the whole world takes on a beautiful, soft glow?
Have you seen a wild creature, caring for its young, and realized that there IS such a thing as "unconditional love."
Have you ever looked through a camera lens, at a person, and through their eyes, you can see right down into their souls?
I have...
Come, I'll show you...

What Is "The Crystal Web?

Life Itself...

From time to time, I will put a comment about one of my photographs, or about an idea, philosophy, a book, or just about anything. Please feel free to respond... just click the mail icon...

How to contact me.
This is how you can get in touch with me and also a list of some links... some are useful, some are just neat, all are pertinent...

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These images and pages are Copyright©John W. Carino, Jr.& are protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. They may not be copied, altered, or used in any manner whatsoever without the sole permission of the photographer. Any questions about copying or use should be addressed to J.W. Carino, or

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Last modified on Monday, April 10, 2000