Last updated: 7/1/98

Voting Results

Thanks to the more than 115 people who voted for the best poems. Here are the results so far. You can still vote for the best poems.

Best poem:

A worm named Sapple		11
   by Jeff

Paper or Plastic		 9
Buzz Lightyear			 9
Ode to Stop Signs		 7
Tree Haiku			 6
The Undescribable Poem		 6

A worm named Sapple		41
Tree Haiku			19
Pregame Fear			13
The Week of the Test		12
The Tale of a Town and a City	 8
Ross I'm a Graph Perot		 7
The Game of Organization	 7
Generals			 4

Buzz Lightyear			32
Just a Psychedelic Man		20
I'd rather be			14
A Little Kick			11
The Terrible Hair Dilemma	 9
"A" Team		 	 9
The Jumbo Shrimp	 	 9
attachments		 	 2

Vacuum Hell			28
Weirdom Wall			17
twenty-six			14
The Litter Bug			12
The Posse of Weirdom		10
The Surfer			10
Slinky				10
x!				 6

The Undescribable Poem		38
No Milk				20
The Cert			18
The Land of Justified Crime	10
Three				 8
Trio				 3
Smek				 3
The Animal			 2

Paper or Plastic		27
Ode to Stop Signs		23
Goldfish			17
Study Hall			15
The Loss			 9
My Bad Day			 9
Mr. Z's Pants			 8
Foul Shot			 8

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