Links of Interest

Facade Tarot Readings-Featuring the lovely and much coveted William Blake Deck.

Virtual Voodoo Doll-The Hoodoovoodoowhatchoodontdaredopeople.

Hexgames-Locally owned Role-playing game company.

Disinformation-A shadow of its former glory, but you may still find items of value if you look hard enough.

Barbelith- The Barbelith Underground. A truly unique online community.

grant represents all that is good and right about the early 21st century. You won't believe how red this website is.

William Gibson -Author of Neuromancer shares links and thoughts.

Lowbright-Derek Kirk Kim's wonderful web comics.

Spiders-Words cannot describe how amazing this webcomic is.

Neil Gaiman, author of Sandman. Read his web journal here.

The Lost and Beautiful Past-Patrick Lynch's Pre-Raphealite paintings.

Kingdom of Loathing-Online Stick-Figure RPG. Fun and Games! Yay!

Neopets-Adopt a virtual pet today! Just like Star Wars Galaxies, only it's free!

Neurocam-What is it? Who knows?

My Sad Little Live Journal-Just what it says.

MySpace Profile-The other other blog site.

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