October 31(Samhain) 1997: A vision of the Tower appears in a powerful dream. In Tarot cards, the Tower is usually a hallmark that dramatic life changes that are about to occur. Though this can be a frightening experience, you usually end up better off than before. This type of transformation often occurs at Burning Man, and I think it would be great to facilitate more of these experiences through an art project. Nov- Dec 1997: Start discussing plans and possibilities for an installation at Burning Man 1998. I made a commitment to myself to make this project happen, even though I knew that it would include personal sacrifices. Not only will I be designing a large structure that has to withstand high winds and rain, it'll be functioning as a sacred space. Jan-Feb 1998:
Basic website complete and functional...volunteers and suggestions start rolling in! First flyers made and distributed to the Burning Man community at the Flambe' Lounge. There are so many things that this project could convey, it's difficult to scale back to a basic theme. Otherwise, I might have a pretty structure, but it wouldn't have any meaning to anyone. I'm still shy about explaining the underlying meanings of this project. Though it's meant to help others, it's also a very personal undertaking. March: Trying to get what's in my head down onto paper and formulated into a structural design. There are so many ways to build this thing! I originally thought I'd have a narrow, hollow Tower surrounded by a prison-like compound fence. However, that's going to require more wood than I want to buy or haul out there. One of my friends suggested creating a large tent, and having the "Tower" be the center pole. I'd have to take the tent down before I burned down the structure, though. I need to search the web for plans for a Theremin, a musical instrument that operates on the interaction your body creates in radio sound waves. It would be great to have that at the base of the Tower, as some kind of a "babble generator." April: Tower booth at the Burning Man town meeting and theme room at the Flambe Lounge. Lots of volunteer interest! There are lots of wooden pallets around my office building, maybe I could build The Tower out of those. Maybe we could even design some kind of Ziggurat; apparently the original Tower of Babel had this kind of form. But as soon as you encourage people climbing on your structure, that's another headache entirely. May-June: Meet with structural experts, finalize design and budget. Add sections to web site. I've been spending more and more time in thrift stores, looking for costumes. The discount store near my office is getting lots of my business, too, as they have all sorts of holiday decorations left over from last year. Contact all volunteers to find out more information. Post to Burning Man bbs re: volunteers and camp location. Contact project staff re: burn logistics, site placement, and coordination with the Nebulous Entity. The Burning man community is really heating up...the Flambe' Lounge is packed every month, and the beach burns don't REALLY start until after midnight, when about 100 more people show up at Ocean Beach..... July-Aug: Final materials collection and pre-site construction parties. We built and tested the Tower and the healing tent last weekend, I'm glad it seems like the design is sound. It's time to simplify and figure out what is possible to do. (It's so tempting to want to build the largest, coolest, brightest structure, but that's almost impossible...) Finalize burn details and performance logistics, as well as the project details of volunteers, healers, and performers who are contributing to the Tower. I've got to start packing earlier this year. I can't even remember where I stashed stuff in the garage from Burning Man 1997, and all of a sudden it's getting to be that time
again... Tower Project
Project Timeline
Project Intent
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Celtic artwork courtesty of Rowan at Fairegrove Conjureworks
Tarot graphic on this page from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, copyright US Games Systems
© 1998 Rebecca Pitt chameleon8@hotmail.com