sevenlaw.gif (6901 bytes) The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Depak Chopra (New World Library,                                                                                                                                   1994) ***

Depak Chopra is a prolific and popular writer, and if you've wondered why and thought maybe you should read one of his works, this is not a bad place to start. This is a small book with some very powerful suggestions on how to improve the spiritual if not the material quality of your life. It's an interesting merge of Eastern religion and philosophy with Western spirituality but should appeal to anyone interested in examining their own life, however briefly. I confess to a long-time interest in Eastern thought but I've always been skeptical of self-help and New Age writings, so I began reading this book with somewhat ambiguous feelings.

Chopra writes that if we will just learn to live in harmony with natural law, then a sense of well-being, good health, fulfilling relationships, energy and enthusiasm for life, and material abundance will spring forth easily and effortlessly. I've never been overly concerned with achieving material 'abundance' but the other goals are all important and certainly worthwhile. These writings may put you a little more at ease with yourself and the way things are and help you lead a more relaxed existence.

Although purportedly directed toward increasing your wealth, the real value of this book is that it just might help you become a nicer person (which may or may not be connected with material success). On that basis alone (a not insignificant basis, I'd argue), I would recommend this book to almost anyone.