
More About This Site

This site was created for all those who take delight in the culture of the past especially when they were children or teenagers. For myself this was mid-seventies to mid-eighties, of course that is quite a narrow age range so I decided to widen it to the whole of the seventies and eighties, if some interest is shown by others I may even extend that even further.

Obviously the scope for a site like this is huge and I have to be quite selective somewhat in the subjects I address, although if you gentle reader wish to participate by sending me ideas. I will welcome each one and consider it to see if it is suitable for the site.

Site Updates

04 September 2004

Small update. Added the Rotary Dial Telephone. Some minor alterations here and there.

30 August 2004

The Looooonggggg awaited update has finally arrived. Three years in the making. I've updated a few graphics and included an entry for creamola foam. Bit of an anticlimax, sorry.

12 June 2001

Sorry for the long wait but I think you'll find it's worth it. Lots of new stuff. New A to Z and Rogues gallery pages and a guestbook that works. I've also updated the links and added an entry for Monkey in television and media. I've also laid out the pages slightly differently which includes enlarging the size of the text. Sadly I've dropped the chat room and the mailing list as neither of these resources was getting much activity.

The site has also been reviewed by another website (pretty negatively I might add), I would have enjoyed discussing the review with the writer but he never e-mailed me to tell me he was posting the review (that I stumbled upon) nor did he put his e-mail address on his page so it seems like he's happy to express opinions but not listen to them.

1 January 2001

It's a new year. Hooray! So I've created a new logo for Y2K+1. Thats all for the present.

13 November 2000

It's been a busy couple of months for me and I apologise for the lack of updates but I've tried to make up for it this time. I've added an FAQ. New entries in the archive are the Gonk and Astro Wars. I've also done a little reorganising including a new under construction graphic. The site is also still maintaining a good number of hits.

26 July 2000

Another great month for visits, largely a combination of Lycos, I'm on some sort of nostalgia list apparently and topsites UK where most of the time the site has been in the top ten. If you want to keep it there please click here then come right back. Added some text in Dangerous Swing Park on the see-saw. Entered a Nostalgia Alert on the main page. Put all the pages on geoguide so the pop-up ads shouldn't appear in the top right. All adverts should now be at the bottom of each page. Some other bits and pieces.

29 June 2000

Minor update. Added a few more comments to the cinema section. Revised some text in the miscellaneous section. New picture of a space hopper. Added links directly to the updates on the main page. June 2000 is the first month since using the tracker that the site has had over 100 hits. Thanks to everybody, especially those who have left an entry in the guestbook or who have written to me (the cheque's in the post).

22 May 2000

Revised the television and media page. Added an entry for Roobarb. Put some comments in the movie listings and put the site on a new webring.

10 April 2000

Added the Films Now Showing page.

22 March 2000

Biggest update for quite some time. I've added the Nice Nostalgia Era and Made Up Stuff pages. Miscellaneous now contains a picture of a half pence. I actually managed to track one down and scan it myself (at no extra cost!). I've also added some links and put the title of the site on every page.

1 January 2000

2000 already who'd have thought it. Added the half pence, added some new graphics.

13 October 1999

Added the Commodore 64. Tidied up some minor errors.

26 September 1999

Back from another lengthy summer break with new entries for chattering telephone and keep Britain tidy, also updated links page.

25 May 1999

New graphics, a new entry for Mr. Men and a new link. That's just about the total of the additions this time.

1 Mar 1999

The new year means a slight change to the way the archive looks. I've changed the logo and made some other minor alterations including a new counter. Please let me know what you think of the changes.
Unfortunately the re-director no longer works.

31 Dec 1998

Very small update. Added the mailing list.

6 Dec 1998

No new entries again this time, I promise quite a few in the new year though. I have been experimenting with counters over the past few weeks and have added a tracker to find out a bit more about who is visiting the site. Added more search engine links. I have added a chat room which is yet untested but with a bit of luck should be OK. It is unlikely I will update the page before the new year so merry Christmas and happy new year to all my visitors.

24 Oct 1998

A relatively minor update this time. I fixed a major html error, added and fixed some links.
The main change is the addition of the guestbook which I have opened to the public at large.
Stay tuned for some new entries over the next few weeks.

19 Sep 1998

After a somewhat lengthy summer break, the long awaited (by someone I hope) update is complete. As with many things in life you go away for a couple of days and when you come back everything has changed. It appears I'm in a Geocities no-mans-land as far as my ranking goes, although I was in television cartoons(?) for a while. Oh well guess I'm just too tricky to categorise.
The update consists of a couple of entries in miscellaneous this time, the Etch-A-Sketch and the positively gargantuan Dangerous Swing Park (which is currently the biggest entry in the archive) plus a few other minor corrections.
As for hits I'm heading towards the big 500, many thanks to one friend who sent the URL to her entire ICQ contact list, which generated more feedback in one day than I've had since I started the site.

6 Jul 1998

A reasonably large and overdue update. A couple of new items added to archive in TV and miscellaneous sections also added another link. Getting some feedback concerning the site now and have had in total over 300 hits which is very encouraging. I also want to thank all my friends who have visited the site and made suggestions on how to add to the content.

15 May 1998

Another small update, added the site to geocities' geoguide, now listed on Lycos. Traffic on the page is increasing slowly but surely and I plan to put a lot more in the next update hopefully within the next few weeks.

30 Apr 1998

Just a mini update this time, the main differences being a link given to HotBot who now list the site and the joining of a webring. A few other minor changes.

28 Apr 1998

Ok a few weeks since last update but a few developments, I've got the site on a search engine, AltaVista who for this little service will get a link in the link page.

5 Apr 1998

Added Links

1 Apr 1998

Added more articles and made some minor changes to pictures and text

30 Mar 1998

Added more articles

19 Mar 1998

Fixed some HTML problems and put a new logo on the home page, added more articles in the television section

11 Mar 1998

Site created

If you want to send ideas for articles or just any comments in general click here

I can be reached by e-mail at

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