Gentle Hand

Go slowly my lady of the gentle hand
for I am caught within your grasp
My wounds are healed
	but my scars show deep
I am strong
	but also am I wearied of the battle
In many things have I conspired
	yet this I never planned
Go slowly my lady of the gentle hand.

Tread lightly as you walk with me
for I am unfamiliar with the road
I have journeyed far
	but not far enough
I have acquainted myself with many
	and let them pass
I have coursed the oceans
	in search of this land	So
Tread lightly my lady of the gentle hand.

Stand easy and fear not my touch
for I am neither feral nor fragile
I am only confused
	by unexpected presence
I was prepared
	to march into defeat
Only for the elusive queen would I have fallen
	But for a time, here I'll stand
By your leave my lady of the gentle hand
				(Dec 12, 1981)
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