I'm being lazy and also making a fast loading main page. Click on the descriptions to see the pics and then hit your browser back button to return to this description page. I had an assortment of film speeds so some pics are not as clear as they could have been. Some tho are exceptional! See them all to find out which .. heh heh. Enjoy!
Somewhere on the way to the farm from Syracuse, NY. (note Erin's finger)
Another Erin shot close to the Hoedown - getting rainy about now too.
This scenery was beautiful but my film wasn't the right speed to capture it - still on the way to the farm.
From Sheri's cabin door looking at the soon-to-be-famous Flamingo Room - dome tent for Erin and I, big tent in the middle for Carla, Gunnymom, Maria and Randy. Jon had his private abode just to the right.
Part of what Sheri gets to see from her cabin every day. The chairs were clustered in front of the fire, with a grill soon
to be covered in chickens (enough for a small army!). Note the small dot lower center ... someone on the 4 wheeler!
A shot to the left of the last one (again the film, I apologize, *echh*)- clouds rolling in.
RedWolfe kickin back waiting fer chickens on the barbie, Woody to the left of me, 4 wheeler to my right. The cabin, soon-to-be-famous Flamingo Room and hammock behind me.
RedWolfe wearin his crow claw and enjoying hisself doing ab-so-lute-ly nuffin!
Erin, Maria, Carla, Pam and Randy just getting some ahhhhh time before dinner.
Erin watching Carla and Maria rolllll down the hill. It's a lot steeper than it looks too! Campfire with the ever present coffee pot.
The speck in the middle is Maria taking Carla for a ride on the 4 wheeler. Erin thought that looked waaay fun.
Maria taking Carla for a ride. Now that's entertainment!
Sheri and Erin on the 4 wheeler. Woowoo!
A shot in the other direction; wildflowers were everywhere. The barn and other buildings in the distance; with more Baity property, almost as far as the eye can see.
Randy, Carla, Maria, Pam, Jon, Erins legs, Sheri all searching the punkin patch.
Jon and Randy, stylin in front of the punkin patch.
I'm not sure why, but everyone else took a pic of'm so I did too. "Oh look Harold! Cow pies! Quick get a picture while their hot!" You don't need to look at this one mom. *grin*
The now famous Flamingo room where Sheri does some of her best writing. Exterior art imported all the way from Sunny Southwest Florida at great expense I might add.
I ^know^ Erin is in there somewhere, child of the corn. We're picking our own corn for dinner! The fields echo to Carlas always haunting ... "How do ya likes me now!!??!" ... the cows are scared ...
A breathtaking shot from waaaay over on the opposite side of the farm from where the cabin is located. Up here is where we'll head the cows off to later.
Looking thru the bottom of the barn where all the moomoos hang out waiting to be milked. You can see the far end opening in the distance.
Erin's face on the far left, Maria, Gunnymom, Carla, Gary and Sheri posing with the moomoos.
Barn silos. Uhhh ... not much to add to that. Pretty basic. *grin*
Sheri giving us the tour, heading for where she spends most of her Febuary and March cooking sap into mmmmmmmmmmaple syrup. The worlds finest, best I've ever tasted. I'm not just saying that cause I want more next year either. ;-)
Marias hand, Randy, Sheri, Pam, Erin/pipe, Carla. Sheri told us how all about the making of the worlds best mmmmmmaple syrup.
Pam, Maria, Sheri, Carla, Randy, Erin (just barely peeking behind Randy), and a Baity relative (whose name I can't remember); shucking the corn that we had just picked for our dinner, then feeding the husks to the cows. Recycling works!
More barn silos but with cows this time! Heading them up the trail and across the street to go feed for awhile.
Sheri leading the cows down the road and across the street. Note the big stick. Not one cow strayed. Hmmmm .... *grin*
I love wimmins lib ... Gunnymom with a wheelbarrow full of firewood heading for the truck. We'll need it for the campfire tonite!
Uhhh ... barn silos ... again. This time the view is really worth seeing!
Back up at the cabin. Sun is setting .. Randy's outline just to the left.
Ok .. forgot to tilt this one before uploading. Place your left ear on your shoulder before viewing this one and you'll prolly be able to see Erin, who loved being around trees that can be climbed in!
Carla and Pam working over the biggest watermelon I've ever held! Soooooo sweeet too!
Standing in front of the cabin looking left, then ...
... turning a few degrees to the right, then ...
... a few more degrees to the right. Check out that view!
A gold spoon leading to the meeting trailer! Damn ... meant to steal that sucker when we left too ...
Woody and Jamie (Sheri's favorite daughter), holding some of that imported art from Florida.
Upon our return home there awaited at my doorstep a certain Spooner demanding her presents. Here is her pic holding one sent special from Sheri. I won't post the ones where she is indulging in mmmmmaple syrup and mmmmaple candy we brought back. *grin*
Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoyed the show as much as I enjoyed visiting with all the Spooners! Sheri my thanks for being hostess and I'm already planning for the Spoon Hoedown 2000! *woof*