X-Files Fanfiction

Title: Gifts

Rating: PG for light profanity and some violence
Spoilers: None
Classification: VA, implied R
Summary: Sitting in her bathroom, Scully bitterly muses about an abusive relationship.

Title: *//click\\*

Category: VAR
Summary: An exploration of the different possible endings/resolutions for Kitesunegari

Title: Devil's Cup

Rating: PG-13
Category: VA, implied R
Summary: Mulder and Scully make contact with an informant

Title: Defiantly Beets

Rating: R
Category: VAR
Summary: A twist on the typical post-Small Potatoes MSR

Title: Envelope

Rating: G
Category: VAR
Spoilers: US4
Summary: Summary: Instead of being handed to Agent Mulder on a silver plate, a serious price is extracted from him for Scully's cure.

Title: Falling Nexus

Rating: R
Category: VA, Mulder/Krycek UST, Mulder/Scully UST
Summary:One cold February morning, Mulder and Scully run Krycek to the ground in an abandoned warehouse.

Title: Fog

Rating: G
Category: VAO, implied R
Summary: Years after the X-Files, Mulder pays a visit to Scully at her beach house, where she is undergoing the last throes of a divorce.

Title: Long After

Rating: PG
Category: VAR
Summary: Scully leaves the X-Files.

Title: The Moon Plays

Rating:PG-13 for profanity and sexual themese
Category: VAR
Spoilers: Momento Mori
Summary: Sometimes, a miracle simply cannot be obtained.

Title: Postage Owing

Rating: PG
Category: VA
Summary: Sitting on her couch, Scully reacts to yet another rendition of the 'Ditch-Disappear-Mulder' trick.

Title: Three Words

Rating: R for for profanity
Spoilers: Momento Mori
Category: VA, implied R
Summary: One cool, mountain night, Mulder comes to grips with the tragedy of Scully's death and realizes a basic, underlying truth of his existance.

Title: Wall

Rating: PG
Category: VA
Summary: One cold, rainy day, Skinner meets the daughter of a fellow platoon member.

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