....The Global Classroom.....

The classroom is divided into three area: Lesson Plans (in a teacher directed format), Tips & Tricks for visual examples of how something works, and Projects which allow students to complete an assignment step by step. I have ten years teaching experience and have found these lessons to be successful with many age groups. Happy learning:)


Each lesson is on an interactive lesson plan which has links to pictures and handouts. Although it is designed for teachers, anyone can follow the steps and create the project. At present the lessons to choose from are:

1 .Introduction to Decoy Carving ( making a wooden mallard duck)

2. Drawing the Olympic Rings Logo (useful for Olympic assignments in many courses)

More lessons will be added in the future. There will also be a form giving teachers the option of submitting lessons of their own to this classroom . In this way, ones which have proven to work well can be shared with others on a global basis. Suggestions for lessons are also welcomed.


These are in the form of information sheets with visual examples.

1. Animation Part 1: What is an Animation?

2. Animation Part 2: What are Animations used for?- a simple overview of common uses for computer animations with examples.

3. Animations Part 3: Easy Effects in Animations - examples that beginners can tackle. The project follow-up is "Animation Part 4" in the tutorial.

4. What makes an Effective Logo? Tips on what you should consider when designing a logo or having one made for you.

5. Design Composition -guidelines for placement of the elements.

PROJECTS- step by step

Each tutorial shows steps to follow in order to complete a particular project. They are self-directed so that students can work at their own pace and with minimal guidance.

1. Animation Part 4: Make Your First Computer Animation - Four beginner level projects with easy to follow procedures. There are three example sheets above that go with this project.

2. Drawing an Arial view in One Point Perspective This is a step by step visual lesson on drawing a scene.

3. Coloring with a 3-D effect. Choose from the PEI coloring pages provided and simply follow the instructions.

4. Drawing the human face in profile. Basic steps that bring wonderful results.
