A Star Is Born! |
Cecilia Nicole was born on October 30, 2000 at 8:05PM. She weighed in at 6lbs 15oz. Mommy didn't have so much as the benefit of an aspirin, and Daddy was the best coach you could imagine! It was a great day for our family, and we'd like to share our story with you:) |
Ryland is SOOO excited about her little Baby Sister!!! |
Our little bundle of joy! This photo was taken about 15 minutes after she was born:) She looks like her Daddy:) |
We all had so much excitement that Daddy and Ryland had to take a nap! (As you can see, you can't get anything by Ryland!) |
Our first updated "Family Photo"! This was taken the following morning around 8:00AM - our little CeCe was just 12 hours old! Does Mommy look tired? |